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  1. salvius

    John Barber: NDP serves only to give victories to Tories

    Wherever did you get that idea? I'm a card carrying member. Are you? The camp includes some pretty far left socialists - as it should, considering there is no real party to accommodate that particular viewpoint - but the majority of the party is firmly in the centre-left territory. That's...
  2. salvius

    Canada's next Prime Minister?

    So that Harper could secure a majority before the economy tanked. Looks like he couldn't quite get away with that.
  3. salvius

    Canada's next Prime Minister?

    NDP and Conservatives are now statistically tied in Ontario. Kiss you majority goodbye Mr. Harper.
  4. salvius

    Canada's next Prime Minister?

    Actually, I'm surprised and heartened at just how poorly this message was received! And not just in Quebec. A sizable majority of the public disagreed with Harper's 'elitist artists' message in Ontario, B.C., and Quebec. However, in the former two places the disagreement was most widely...
  5. salvius

    Canada's next Prime Minister?

    Oh yeah, I like this idea. That's how Mr. Mike Harris got elected. And I'm even seeing shades of Harris in the new Mr. Harper with his 'elite elitist artists' working against the 'common man.' Of course, we'll ignore that Harper is the one that's a member of the elite, not the vast majority...
  6. salvius

    The Hypocrisy of the International Community, Re: Russia

    Please feel free to point as to why it is nonsense. Otherwise, I will feel free to note that you have nothing useful to add to the discussion.
  7. salvius

    The Hypocrisy of the International Community, Re: Russia

    Albanians have tried to take Kosovo since the 19th century, and did join the Albania during WWII (as Albania at the time was a Nazi state). So, if there has been aggression for the past century, it has been as a result of Albanians driving the Serbs away. By the 1980s, the number of Serbs in...
  8. salvius

    Michael Prue says it's time to reconsider Catholic school funding

    Christianity is not an institution. Kind of hard to generalise. I'm kind of tired of the ol' 'religion as an impediment to progress' line, since Christianity is very much responsible for the enlightenment and pursuit of knowledge. In fact, it is directly responsible for what has...
  9. salvius

    Michael Prue says it's time to reconsider Catholic school funding

    I see the trendy Christianity bashing is in full vogue on the forums.
  10. salvius

    Belgrade, Serbia

    Superb pictures Filip, of a rather amazing city. I lived in Belgrade for a little bit of time during the 90s, after 'escaping' from Croatia (long story). I liked the city then, but it was a city ready to bust. The poverty of the locals was made only more depressing by the endless amounts of...
  11. salvius

    Caledon-Vaughan GO Rail Line

    The problem is that, as far as GO commuting patterns are concerned, everyone is going to Union Station. The amount of people stopping over at Bloor is absolutely negligible, which is not to excuse the thoroughly shabby state of that station - if it can be called that - but to note that a big...
  12. salvius

    Bloordale Village

    I've seen a ton of change around Dufferin in the past decade, but Lansdowne looks its same shabby self it always was.
  13. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    ^ I'd agree that it's impossible to know just how much of the current oil prices are based on speculation. I don't think it's really all that relevant, however. I doubt we'll be seeing sharp drops in gas prices, and that's OK.
  14. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    I was talking to a collegue of mine this morning who, by the bye, works for a suburban municipality near this great city of ours. He wanted to know, in your opinions, what exactly is unsustainable about suburbs (those, of course, who think they are)? I'd like to know too. Is it basically...
  15. salvius

    Rail: Ontario-Quebec High Speed Rail Study

    Very well analysed, and I think right on the money.
  16. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    I do believe it's important to call him out on the fact that he is a armchair layman whose predictions tend to fizzle out. Now: I think idiotic pessimism is every bit as damaging. Terrorists, mad cow, bird flu, crime, etc. I'd say we are told to fear for out lives and our way of living...
  17. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    I'll help here. Google "kunstler" and "dow." Even better, google "kunstler" and "Y2K." Kunstler has never met an end-of-the-society-as-we-know-it scenario he did not like. His peak oil diatribe is similarly confused, this time not because we're not going to run out of (cheap) gas - we will -...
  18. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    Public infrastructure, yes. But - if you tax the suburban infrastructure at such a rate as to cover maintenance costs, no problem. That's the direction many suburban municipalities are heading in. And suburban infrastructure is hardly unaffordable, unless you really space out development...
  19. salvius

    The End of Suburbia and Economic Apocalypse

    Biofuels are in a continuing process of improvement, and the outcome here is nowhere near as clear as the detractors point out. The energy gains of corn ethanol may be non-existent, but cellulosic ethanol and algae biodiesel and ethanol are all but some of the possibilities. Almost entirely...
  20. salvius

    Rail: Ontario-Quebec High Speed Rail Study

    Indeed, now is THE time to strike the iron while it's hot. Sell the expensive gas angle, sell the environmentalism angle. Our rail system is an antiquated DISGRACE. Of course, the current federal trolls don't seem to understand this, so we may have to wait a while longer. And there's no...
