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  1. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    So, a lot of this property highlighted here is wealthy white mega estates. These aren't even public lands that everyone gets to enjoy; they're private. Of course these people are invested in preserving their views and their large properties, and they would love others to support them...
  2. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    "Why the snark?" :rolleyes: We'll see if any of that actually happens. Like weather forecasts, predictions do not always pan out to be right. Especially predictions from Forbes magazine.
  3. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Are you joking here? What makes you think global populations will suddenly fall? Human populations have increased since, well, since human origins. People like to mate. Yes, birth rates in some countries go up and down, but overall, long term and globally, our populations have risen. Unless...
  4. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    You can have debate without simply numbering off at someone. Transition words are key. And okay, you keep on dismissing him then. 👍 Your opinions. I drive this, so, you know what, I think I know a little bit more about my own experiences. Spin it whatever way you want, quote whatever study...
  5. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Should we not have built any part of Toronto here then?
  6. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Didn't feel like responding due to the approach. Quoting me and then simply numbering off criticisms isn't debate; it's an attack. But I digress. So what about his background? Why does that make it okay to dismiss him? Whatever career you're in, if you were to speak up and say something about...
  7. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Fantastic article- makes many excellent points.
  8. S

    Toronto Waverley | 57.09m | 15s | Fitzrovia | Kirkor

    Saw a newspaper ad for units the other day. Within the same ad, they referred to it both as "Waverley" and "Waverly". Unintentional, I think, unless it was intended as some sort of easter egg 😆
  9. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    That wasn't an insult, that was a question. If adequate farmland is an issue, since you and others here are very pro-densification of urban centers, then why not advocate for vertical farming? Or rooftop farming? I don't know why everyone is also saying that if we build this highway, it is...
  10. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    You do realize that the farmland of the area was created by clearcutting forests decades ago, right? It already isn't the original environment.
  11. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    In some cases, yeah, I do. That's how politics works. Politicians don't always follow their own direct constituents.
  12. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Stop. The. Presses. Did you poll people? How did you arrive at THIS assertion . I know "plenty" of people who work 40-hours a week, and drive and have commutes who would love to see this highway built instead of wasting their time stuck in traffic.
  13. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    No one's demonizing you. It seems more like the flip side; my lived experiences being working class and navigating GTA highways on a regular basis seem to be of no value. And thank you for decreeing that you do not require my agreement 🙏 Good night to all, and to all a good night.
  14. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    "choose where you work [...] and where you live"... it's not that easy for everyone. Perhaps for you, it is, but other people are simply not as blessed and their "choices" are shaped by the circumstances they face. You are not "being handed the bill". We all pay taxes. Sometimes these end up...
  15. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    sure it would. but that's not what Toronto chose back in the day. We missed the most critical opportunity to head down that proverbial fork in the road and we could never catch up to London in terms of subways now.
  16. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    "ever again"? Really? To the end of time itself? This is good news, thank you.
  17. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Oh why didn't I think of that. Good thing I have the $1,000,000+ laying around that's now required to own the average home in the GTA :rolleyes:
  18. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    So true. I don't know how they come up with these figures. Human populations are ever-increasing. A highway like this will be needed one day. Even if you densify and build up Toronto now. It's inevitable. Better to get it in place now before there is more structurally in the way and more nimby's.
  19. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    The most vocal populations are the ones that live near where this is proposed, so of course they will be NIMBY about it. I am distressed that now that politicians saw some resistance, it is snowballing and they are jumping on board a train to seem like they care about environment and community...
  20. S

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    yes but London (UK) has an EXTENSIVE subway network. People can get around easily there. Here, we don't have that. We go the less expensive route of building highways, rather than subways. So you know what, we SHOULD have more of a highway network than London despite the populations differences.
