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  1. Lennox970

    F-35 Fighter Jet Purchase

    IMO this purchase was always going to happen, the only question was how long it would take the government to actually make the decision. The F-35 will be the Western multirole fighter of choice for US coalition warfare in future. And maybe not a direct comparison, but when countries like...
  2. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Well that's a thought. So most of our cultural and social icons, constitutional inheritance and parliamentary traditions, systems of governance, the Common Law, models of judiciary - both official languages - all mainstream Christian churches, free market economic model, Scouts, soccer, curling...
  3. Lennox970

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    Hugely important area to military capability, or a lack of. Recent photos and video showing Russian trains bringing reinforcements or replacements to their motorised transport. Scraping the bottom of the barrel? .
  4. Lennox970

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    Putin has complained about former Warsaw Pact nations joining NATO yet that is the basis of international self-determination. A number of ex-Soviet states are in the SCO or CSTO and the West accepts that. Belarus was de facto satellite long before 2007. Ukraine somewhat unique in that it had...
  5. Lennox970

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    Yes he is, and we can all see it in heart breaking and shocking detail on the news. The question that is or should be concentrating the minds of our leaders is what will be his next move. Because they are the ones with responsibility to ensure that pre-emptive measures or policies are in place...
  6. Lennox970

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    We sort of overlook the detail of Putin's speeches, mad and rambling though they were. But he has consistently drawn link between Ukrainians and Russian - being one people. Also, that Ukraine is not a 'real' country and culturally and socially part of Russia. Notwithstanding that the war is...
  7. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Did someone mention boobs? Gosh, the two big things I referred to were: 1. the lady doesn't have any arms; and, 2. The lady doesn't have any legs. Nice flag, but perhaps distracting for some. With current politicians penchant for announcements and conferences in front of a whole background of...
  8. Lennox970

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Given the Abbey Road album cover's crazy 'Paul is dead' story, which one of these men have since died? 🤣🤣
  9. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    The harp is one of the most recognisable symbols of Ireland and this flag is one that represented the 17th Century Confederacy of Ireland (nothing to do with General Lee and Stonewall Jackson, before you get angry). It has also been touted as a possible contender for a united Ireland (granted, a...
  10. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    What no BC?????? Injustice!!!! Well, apart from one provincial flag that looks like it was designed by someone on LSD (go on, guess ;) ) I can live with all our provincial flags. It all boils down to opinion in the end which means there will always be unhappy people. Moreover, flags designed...
  11. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    I take your point on fussiness & forgetableness, so here's a wee quiz ....and no cheating ;-) 1. What heraldry is besides the sun on the BC flag? 2. How many mountain peaks on the Alberta flag? How many have snow? 3. What is on the shield of the Saskatchewan flag? What colour and position of...
  12. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    @Lone Primate you raise some interesting points. There is no debate on the Ontario flag, so far as I am aware. I can probably assume with a high degree of certainty that the general public doesn't care. They accept it as it is, almost certainly with little or no thought. Of course, the Toronto...
  13. Lennox970

    Population of Toronto (Including Census Counts)

    That's a really good point. I reckon there is enough information out there: identity, location, salary, occupation, demographic, education, etc that could reasonably be put together to form a reasonably accurate picture of any particular locality.
  14. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Good point, and I guess the Channel Islands are all what is left from an incredibly large sized chunk of what is now France held by the English during the Middle Ages. Remember Henry V "..."we few, we happy few, we band of brothers." is set during the Hundred Years War.
  15. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Interesting - every day is a school day! But I didn't realise Quebec's connection with Albania.
  16. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    I am not so sure about that. However, little known fact that the UK coat of arms has not one, but two mottos - in French. Zut alors! Honi soit qui mal y pense and Dieu et mon droit . Both I take it both are derived from the Norman connection.
  17. Lennox970

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Has Ottawa turned into Trudeau's Ipperwash? Maybe more likely.
  18. Lennox970

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    No its not, the fleurs de lis is a very distinct French symbol associated with France. Everyone knows that. And the Ontario flag seems to have a quiet dignity to it. Just as any provincial flag (or any flag in the world for that matter) can be described as a muddled mess if you don't happen to...
  19. Lennox970

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Interesting article. There has been some intelligent and enlightening discussion on the role of sub-variants in the initial Covid spread. IIRC, Europe and the US east coast got a more virulent strain, East Asia and the US west coast less so.
  20. Lennox970

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    There has been a helluva cold season for some. My daughter has such a heavy cough we sent her for testing, but came back negative.
