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  1. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    For the longest time, I've been referring to him as Densehead Mindless-Wrong. I guess we're on the same page :-)
  2. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto "I can't tell you how many rules have been broken on this one," said Coun. Ford. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
  3. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And he used the same printed-style signature on the street signs that were being sold off (before council stopped him):
  4. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Another view of the Greenestone pool, via Google Earth: In this view, the Stun photographer would have been standing about where the leftmost yellow chair is, almost out of frame; RoFo would have been standing near the steps with his back to us. The time of day would have been opposite --...
  5. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I doubt that he'd actually be staying at the resort when the FoFam cottage is so close and he's out buying food and TP and such. More likely he is staying at the cottage but getting bored just sitting around in between conjugal visits with McRobb, and heads off to the Windemere to find...
  6. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The letter actually says he'll be returning "in the later portion of the afternoon" -- he only asked that the locks on his office be restored to their former state by 1:00 p.m. So not even "on time" by RoFo standards.
  7. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    such a deal I made an offer --
  8. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What say we pool our resources and put up a sign in that little bit of park that RoFo was trying to buy, beside his house: Development Proposal 235 Edenbridge Drive An application to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a Crack Addict Crematorium. The existing parkette will be demolished and a 2...
  9. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That may be so. The S/G is quoting his own words. At first I thought, would he have asked RoFo, "are you expecting a visitor by the name of Wendy" or "are you expecting a visitor by the name of Darling"? * and would have gone with the former. But last names are used throughout the report except...
  10. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And the second and third clips are out of sequence. (#2 starts at 21:51, #3 starts at 21:50)
  11. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope. At the end of the two lines, the "d" of "had" lines up with the middle of the "y" in "saying" in the original. It's slightly off with "Sasha" inserted.
  12. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I watched the S(t)un's version carefully, and I believe that Ford got out of the car to get some irritant out of his shoe. At the 1:41 mark, something does appear to fall -- I think that was his shoe dropping. Later there's a few frames that may show his foot with only a sock on. And when he...
  13. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But the font is proportional, and so the space between letters and words varies depending on the letter combinations. You wouldn't be able to reproduce Word's decisions on that using PSP. "Sasha" doesn't fit either, btw.
  14. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope. The memo is written in 10-point Arial. I've retyped a few lines in Word so they break at identical places, with letters aligning vertically in the same places. None of "Alana, Kindree, Leeann, LeeAnne, McRob, or McRobb" will fit in the space under "greeted by the Mayor" and yield the same...
  15. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Apparently he's a member of "the pressure sensitive label community". I know a few people in the label community, and most of them are not pressure-sensitive. Honestly, if you can't stand the psi, get out of the label community.
  16. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The thing I like best about the recently published videos (from CH cams) is that it is so obvious that the security personnel at CH are manoeuvring the cams to focus on RoFo. They are carefully watching (and aware that they are recording) His WorstShit's deviant behaviour. I move a salary...
  17. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've long thought of Holyday as a mouth-breather.
  18. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    “These in-camera meetings, there’s more corruption and skulduggery going on in there than I’ve ever seen in my life. And if Tuggs isn’t then I don’t know what is.” --Rob Ford, 2010 No, Rob, apparently you don't know what corruption is.
  19. stoobiedood

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does the word "sinister" resonate with anyone else? JimmiT, please let us know you are OK.
