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  1. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Kapuskasing certainly is small, although I'm surprised (pleasantly) at the diversity in their mayoral history.
  2. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Somehow euler forgot to mention that you should not google degloving if you are faint of heart or stomach, so I'm helpfully if belatedly suggesting that you not if that is indeed the case.
  3. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Many, many married couples wear and/or do not wear rings in all configurations. My Mum never takes hers off, but my Dad has never had one, despite being neither a safety-conscious steelworker nor a philandering crack-smoker. The Ford 'men' have never worn wedding rings, and there is no...
  4. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    She doesn't necessarily have to (although it would be a boost for Tory). All she has to do is be able to sling some well-timed mud at opponents, say, ooohhh, I dunno - let's pick one totally at random - Olivia Chow.
  5. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Already mentioned here, but I saw him in person at City Hall on the day those photos were taken, and he looked worse than I've ever seen him before. Still doing the selfies thing, but he was almost shuffling. No exuberance at all. At the time I assumed he was just hungover or on a comedown, but...
  6. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    More like her campaign is in traction! Ho ho ho! Kidding aside, my assessment is that Stintz has as much chance of being the next Mayor of Toronto as Doug Ford does of being Premier. Whoever is running her Twitter account needs to take a timeout, as it has been an unmitigated disaster - and...
  7. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Too often, I find Neville Park to be unnecessarily abrasive when engaging on social media (is the "alienating allies" slogan a by-product or a proud goal?), but as a tweeter of Council proceedings, longer-form writer and researcher, I give much respect to NP. Thanks for linking to this; I will...
  8. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Hey - back in 2010 you probably didn't think Ford smoked crack, either. Let's not make baseless assumptions about Tory or Stintz until we can really see what's coming down the pipe. Seriously though: wherever Kouvalis goes, the tears of widows and orphans follow. Having said that, I think he's...
  9. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    How did you feel about killing the fully-funded shovel-ready LRT? How do you feel about pouring taxes into a hole in the ground in Scarborough so that the folks can have their unnecessary subway that will drain the public purse evn further once it's up and running and can't pay for even a small...
  10. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ah, the elusive "both elevators are being really slow today" demographic! (Hey, I think you're right about his reasons for going out there... just amuses me that the Fords thinks "ground game" will carry him over the line in 2014) My biggest problem with Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto today? That...
  11. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Some CAA members are against highway tolls? Who knew? Best I've seen on Tory so far (forget who, sorry): "Some of the people are for food trucks, and some of the people are against food trucks, and I am with the people!"
  12. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Kouvalis, you're slipping: what is a "guildeline" and more importantly: does John Tory not have anything better to attack Chow on than "the value of a dollar"? I mean it's not like Tory is an old-school-tie millionaire though, so... Wait, what's that? He is? Sure it was tacky, shortsighted...
  13. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Emphasis mine. Remember that bit. It may come in handy.
  14. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hah! Better slip in a dud or two in case they start stealing your stuff. The only one which didn't ring true when my imagination read them out to me in Rob Ford's whiny voice was the first one. What the hell do the Fords know about embarassment?
  15. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My second thought on seeing this image - after the inevitable shock at seeing Elena Basso in full swing - was that Keanu Reeves has really let himself go.
  16. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dammit! Me and my sloppy research! I wasn't sure which of the two it was. Perhaps relying on google autocomplete to confirm something is a bad idea :)
  17. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    From Hero to Nero: the Rob Ford Story
  18. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I read the last bit as "pizza/heroin", which seemed like an odd combo.
