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  1. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hang on - I thought we knew who Juiceman was after one of the recent ITO releases. Siyad? But then other bits ITO also has conversations involving Siyad and Juiceman: So maybe not. Still, I might have dreamed it, but for all intensive purposes I'm pretty sure this was being discussed somewhere...
  2. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not so sure that it necessarily has to be terrible at all for the Fords to delay it. Don't get me wrong: I'm hopeful that there's something there which will damage his re-election chances (as others have noted: what could that be at this point!?) but consider this: It's in Ford's nature to...
  3. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    After doing some catching up on the thread, I would like to say that I agree with both sentiments expressed here.
  4. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good point. I had thought the rules were province-wide, but a bit of digging shows me that for the 2010 Markham municipal election, the rebate limit was $350 for a contribution of $550; amounts beyond $550 received no further rebate. I agree. The rebates are well-intentioned and something of a...
  5. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    More stuff I didn't know: So between that and the paper trail required for individual donations, the Fords really do need to be able to account for where all that money is coming from. No wonder they struggled with this sort of thing last time around. It's a lot harder than getting...
  6. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks. I was previously unaware of this, as this is the first election cycle where I've really been devouring every detail I could find. Here's the article: Seems to me I should register...
  7. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In Ford news: Mayor spotted this morning at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. Let's hope he doesn't leave a fridge magnet on anyone's pacemaker while he's fishing for votes: As he's clearly such a strong supporter of and #1 friend to the elderly, I confidently expect him to vote against...
  8. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does anyone have that thatsthejoke.jpg handy? Just kidding! I'm not about to post an image after the recent image discussion, unless it is very valuable/pertinent to the thread's primary subject. <meta warning> So yeah, that post of mine you're referencing was aimed at r937, who is a stickler...
  9. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm no great fan of the way TPS has handled this whole thing. Emphatically not, in fact. As Clayton Ruby asked last week: why on earth did they not stealthily sample the packages Ford & Lisi were trading? They do it all the time and if Ford was a young black man he would have been arrested long...
  10. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I could care less, but irregardless let's keep the thread going!!
  11. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks Jimmi. I thought I remembered something way back in this thread with details about Ford being at Di Battista's club (more details than in the recently=linked articles) but I came up blank. Anyone?
  12. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks. URL already corrected. I'm still waiting for the whole Di Battista thing to blow up. The Star must know stuff it can't print. There's no way they would have trailed Di Battista's name out there when they were speaking in person if they didn't have at least a decent suspicion of...
  13. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think this may be what you are looking for: Romeo Di Battista (that name keeps cropping up!) owned an after-hours club[/url]. Ford was there. Stuff happened. Edit: ah, I see others beat me to it, but I'll try to add a bit of additional info (not new to this thread, but just not mentioned here...
  14. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yep. In fact, it might be possible to graph it, even: public binges and public apologies. I bet such a chart would show that the frequency is increasing, with episodes getting more frequent and more depraved, and the apologies disappearing almost to nothing ("You're asking stupid questions...
  15. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As the Grand on Jarvis is allegedly Ford's favourite hangout when he needs to get blitzed on booze and/or crack in a place that isn't his home or 15 Windsor Road (or a TCHC building or...) and as different levels of police are a hot topic right now, just thought I'd point out that the Grand used...
  16. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, but my understanding [based on my hopefully-accurate memory of reading publicly available stuff/no inside knowledge] is that this "good stuff" was [mostly] about other people, i.e. not Ford but some other run-of-the-mill criminal fish who had the misfortune to get involved in a...
  17. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    So Tory is the natural leader we need, right? Like you, I'm curious about his secret plan to fund the DRL. I hope it's better than the Fords' "private sector" plan. I wonder why he has to keep it secret? Probably because it's so good, right?
  18. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As much as I am in favour of recognising the sacrifice of those who suffered in war, a part of me has to wonder: is Ford just trying to grow his own hezza?
  19. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ah, but he needs to constantly press "N", not "Y". Although Ford certainly does vent gas often enough. </simpsons>
  20. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, there was this one time he suddenly admitted to having smoked crack cocaine. In general, though I agree: he's unlikely to answer even one of them now, and the value of the list consists of showing just how far the reality of Rob Ford is from the way he portrays himself.
