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  1. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    His children were in on the weekend to see him. Besides, if he's in really bad shape, it may be best that they not visit frequently. Is imagine that would be upsetting for young kids.
  2. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If they are outlining a treatment plan that includes chemo or radiation, then it is clearly malignant. I expect they will also discuss whether there are metastases and where, or at the very least that they have identified areas of concern and are exploring them further. They definitely...
  3. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You don't believe that a woman who lost her partner to cancer can put politics aside an be genuinely concerned for Ford's well being? The amount of cynicism is depressing. Cancer is a horrible, horrible disease. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even Rob Ford. And I can completely believe...
  4. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does it make much of a difference at this point? He's the mayor in name only, nothing but a powerless figurehead. His illness doesn't really change anything at this point.
  5. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In all fairness, Rob Ford wouldn't be the first person to put off seeking medical treatment for something they really don't want the answers to. I really have a hard time believing anyone, even RoFo, would put politics ahead of their life.
  6. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just because the family or medical team hasn't released all the details does not mean they don't know something. Simply looking at a mass, most surgeons can tell if it's malignant or benign. Likewise, you can tell very quickly by looking at cells under a microscope whether they are malignant...
  7. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    From all accounts, his pain is being managed (read: he's getting opioids) so I doubt he's having withdrawal symptoms. One of the side effects of opioids is nausea though.
  8. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In all fairness, the Ford's have information we don't. I don't doubt for a minute this is a malignant tumour. The preliminary biopsy results would be available quickly, there may be spots elsewhere (liver, lungs) that haven't been confirmed. We should not assume that we know everything the...
  9. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Something that doesn't make sense to me is why the biopsy results will take a week. Surgeons send biopsies to path all the time from the OR and await the results. I suspect that they may have preliminary information that they aren't sharing on whether it is malignant or not. I also suspect...
  10. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Or tell us that it's not a tumor at all--they discovered Joe WormTongue lodged in his ass.
  11. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Actually, he does meet the criteria of morbid obesity. 5'10", 280 lbs (a generous guess on my part. I suspect it's actually higher) would put him in a BMI of 40.2 ETA: half a dozen people beat me to it.
  12. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Based on nothing but my limited personal experience with a friend having been diagnosed with colon cancer in her 40's, in a very similar manner (at the ED after abdominal pain became unbearable), I would not be surprised at all if Ford didn't make it a year. If he in fact has colon cancer, and...
  13. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Griffin Centre!
  14. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good god, reading this makes my head explode. First, it's a personal lawsuit. He meets with his lawyer, and lets him take it from there. It's hardly sucking up Blair's time. Wasting Doug's time? Maybe. But no one knows WTF Doug does with his time beyond advocating for Deco customers, so...
  15. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree. I think we need to remember as well that there's a good chance she is also reading/following this thread. (Which still doesn't explain as far as I know where she got those names from. I just don't think it was from RoFo)
  16. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It can't be that hard to target a specific area of the city if RoFo was able to target Ainslie's ward for the robocalls he got his hand slapped for.
  17. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is it a by-law that prevents campaigning, or a policy? I seriously doubt that there will be any repercussions when the Fords inevitably blatantly ignore city policy. There never has been in the past, so why would that change now? By the time the IC or Ombudsman files a report about it, it...
  18. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Honestly, MM needs to cut it out. I'm chomping at the bit to see RoFo taken down, but I highly doubt that is something that would happen at Ford Fest. Why he risks what credibility he has left with such wild speculation is frankly beyond me.
  19. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And have the money. Pilot licences don't come cheap.
  20. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Uh oh. If I were RoDoFo, I would be worried right about now. I suspect RoFo hasn't had much time to devote to his friendship with LeeeeAnn now that's he's hard on the camping trail.
