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  1. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    It's not, but "the train" is the fault of everything at the moment, even if the problem is a bus. The problems with the Citadis trains are real, but not that different than launch issues with other models, but every single fault with OC Transpo is being compounded right now, and a lot of it is...
  2. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    Oh no the trains definitely have issues, but I feel like OC Transpo is totally ignoring the bus issues. The door issue seems to have been fixed, the delays are all now due to different issues. I feel like the train issues will get fixed, but the bus issues won't, and until Stage 2 is complete a...
  3. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    . The biggest problem right now I think is the bus system. The city sold the LRT as fixing all of the woes of unreliable buses by not sending them through downtown, but if anything they are even more unreliable than before. The mayor and Manconi are all about blaming RTG and RTM, but they...
  4. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    The oddest thing is that there's a weird mass amnesia about what the bus system was like pre LRT. People seem to have forgotten how unreliable and broken it was. My commute is now consistently just under 30 minutes, and even when there's been delays it's been at most by 5 minutes for me. My...
  5. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    Meanwhile in Ottawa, door issues seem to have died down..... Only to be replaced by much worse problems with trains stopping due to various computer gremlins. Trains are still crush loaded all the time during rush hour, because they can't even run 13 trains consistently, let alone the 15...
  6. K

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    Don't trust the business case, Ottawa was supposed to have them too but they got value engineered out during the p3 bids to stay within the budget envelope.
  7. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    On the other hand, by TTC metrics Ottawa has an on time reliability of 97%, which is much higher than TTC's Line 1. The reality though is that there's broken trust at the moment due to the rough launch during the first week. Every single delay, no matter how minor, is immediately reported on...
  8. K

    Montréal Transit Developments

    ? Why would a French train have errors in Chinese? Boston on the other hand....
  9. K

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Not sure how long the ottawa station box is, seems a bit longer than another 30m beyond the platform
  10. K

    Montréal Transit Developments

    I think Montreal just jinxed themselves. We in Ottawa were feeling pretty smug about our yet untested trains back when TTC was going through it's Flexity Outlook fiasco, and look where that got us...
  11. K

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I thought they were actually shorter 90m vs 120m. Surface in Ottawa is 90m, but the tunnel has longer to allow 5 module LRVs in the future without an expensive underground rebuild. The crosstown on the otherhand has 90m underground stations to allow 3 Flexities to be connected. I'm not sure if...
  12. K

    Montréal Transit Developments

    Isn't washrooms at transfer stations considered standard now in Toronto? I thought thats why existing stations built in the 70s/80s at transfer points have them like Finch. I'm glad Ottawa is also now following that model.
  13. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    A dramatic scene yesterday at Rideau
  14. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    While I agree with aren't most stops on all the LRTs planned non staggered? Which means one train is always on the wrong side of the light which might decrease the efficiency.
  15. K

    Montréal Transit Developments

    I think people are envisioning things like Mark Is in their head. The Canada line cars are pretty much the same size as any subway in Asia, the only problem is that it's a 2 car train. I don't think the REM has any provisions to allow more than 4 cars afaik, but it won't be as undersized as the...
  16. K

    Ottawa Transit Developments

    Well, this tweet kind of sums it up. There is a bit of hyper focus on things right now... the moment the countdown clock moves for any reason twitter explodes whereas in other cities people would shrug it off. Still, there's been a delay virtually every single day of the past 10, and even though...
  17. K

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    Also, people don't seem to be complaining about KW buses. While the trains certainly have issues here in Ottawa, it's really compounded by problems throughout the entire system brought on by the network changes they did. People in Ottawa would be screaming just as loudly even if the trains were...
  18. K

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    Well... About that. At least in the Ottawa case the Spirit shares less than expected with it's European brethren, it's pretty much a clean sheet design since European metric parts and wiring guages don't work for the American market where they hope to make inroads. I imagine the Metropolis...
  19. K

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    Depends on what they do. If OL goes North, then maybe it makes sense to convert Sheppard into the same technology and make it part of the OL. If they do Sheppard East, a minimal conversion into high floor LRT makes sense, otherwise if you thought people whined about the Kennedy transfer, wait...
  20. K

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    Well.... Smaller trains in and of themselves isn't necessarily bad. Many European cities run smaller trains, but they have a much denser metro network. If this is the only subway they build for the next 50 years (given how long it's been since the last one) it's definitely underbuilt. However...
