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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Here's a thought that just occurred to me (and apologies if you're like "no guff"): maybe part of the Chow camp strategy for clawing back up from distant third place is to avoid making Doug Ford look like the worthless joke candidate he is because he could conceivably peel right-leaning votes...
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder. Tonight has really crystallized that the Chow camp has settled on a strategy of complete non-engagement with the Fords, just pretending they don't exist and keeping the focus 100% on Tory. They're not stupid people, they know countless voters' top priority is to see the Fords put in...
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let me be very clear, that was the bleakest sarcasm I've ever used, 100%.
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I just feel terrible for the poor guy.
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If the intent is to produce some sort of gotcha moment with regard to Doug Ford's "Jewish conspiracy", I think we can safely let it drop. It's not going anywhere because Doug will never, ever cop to lying or even stretching the truth. We've even identified an easy out for him if it gets any...
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well written and bang on. The only thing I wonder is whether they had conversations, among themselves or with backroom advisors, about how to put this "onslaught" approach to work. Like, did someone tell them to create a constant jetstream of chaos that makes it impossible for anyone to push...
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm seeing a lot of tweets where Doug is referring to accomplishments of "his administration." Somehow, just by being such an asshole that nobody wants to confront him, he's turned himself into the incumbent.
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think I read a few Twitter comments that TV cameras were not permitted at this debate.
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What I'm wondering is: Doug's been in the race for a few weeks now. Where's the follow-up on the hash dealer story? Why haven't we seen or heard more on this? I don't want to assume that this story would be a mortal blow, because with the Fords it seems like nothing ever is, but clearly a strong...
  10. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can't wait to see how Doug (and maybe Rob too) is going to try to "disaster capitalize" on this. What a golden opportunity to change the channel while looking very concerned and statesmanlike. Ugh. Nothing's even happened yet and I need a shower to wash off the kneejerk cynicism.
  11. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're probably right. And so, y'know, respectfully, I wish Jude had phrased it differently than "Things will proceed very quickly tomorrow."
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think the level of "chatter" here is unreasonable, considering Jude's very sure-sounding tweets from last night. At least until about midday today, some of us were expecting news virtually any second. Sounds like that might not happen now, but shit, this wasn't based on nothing.
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She has dropped hints that it's related to Build Toronto and/or a conflict of interest issue on Doug's part. I doubt this is it.
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    OK, so sounds like approaching media with this story is not part of her plan. I wonder if any reporters are aware of what she's working on but not in a position to comment on it (yet).
  15. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug's work experience is missing a line item: "CEO and Head of Sales, Importing-based small business, 1980-88'
  16. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Poor guy. Graeme, I know you're reading, so here's a song to cheer you up and get you psyched about getting back into the job market:
  17. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But the intention was a scheduled press conference, that could happen any time today. Jude seemed pretty definitive that it would be today for sure.
  18. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Whatever it is, wondering how it's going to come out. A press conference? Twitter?
  19. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Wonder if things are "moving quickly" as we speak. Argh, hate waiting for stuff like this.
  20. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    First of all, I don't think Ward 2 is a done deal. Andray Domise has had a very good game to this point, and if any challenger has the power to overcome that name recognition inertia, I think it's him. Second, I guess we disagree because I'm arguing that Ford WON'T be able to command anywhere...
