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  1. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    With regards to the above design, the proposal to replace our provincial flag and the current state of the entire thread:
  2. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Whilst we are on the subject of our unique culture and traditions, anyone any thoughts on 'British' Columbia? Are they all still briddish out thar?
  3. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    So to sum up: Our identity: Our province: Confidence in our nationality (I hope):
  4. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Sorry W.K. Lis, but I think your last post pretty well sums up the absurd and inane nature of this discussion. Great drawings, any commercial design experience? This is a grand design, hmmm, that thing looks sort of familiar… Anyone for Ontario-themed safe sex packaging? It works for...
  5. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    ...because being that special snowflake is what life is all about? :D
  6. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    The Ontario Flag was adopted after being passed by the Provincial Legislature = democratic mandate given. Now, which provincial flags didn’t?? The Union jack is an official flag of Canada –Royal Union Flag (for full title). Canada’s unique and distinct identity is perfectly encapsulated in...
  7. Impartial Observer

    British influences on Toronto, the city and its culture, that still survive to the present day

    Interesting discussion, but in the years going around the world, I never conceived T.O. as anything but an American city, by and large. When was the last time we were the film double for, say, Manchester or Newcastle? I will think on that one… Canada generally has the least Brit...
  8. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    But for those Kiwis who took things more seriously, here is a serious contender and it may very well reappear in the future given its meaningful description. Perhaps a lesson for us in Ontario?
  9. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Well, its all a bit of a laugh isn't it?? The Kiwi flag debate lost an opportunity to get an iconic flag. The official options, besides the existing flag (which won), didn't capture the public's imagination because they were too shi...bland. Looked like beach towels not flags was a common...
  10. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Personally, I like the flag. Because it is ours, it is unique and it represents success. You can make what you want in the Ontario flag. You can see negative connotations as a historical throwback, an Anglo symbol, imperial nostaligia…that’s up to you. Or maybe the perfect Ontario flag is...
  11. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    A change in management is apparent on our coat of arms.
  12. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    The Trillium is an iconic symbol, isn't it? Here's one from an earlier thread:
  13. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Well, not necessarily so. Remember we have both the flags of Britain and France in our National Coat of Arms. However, it is of Imperial France, not the Republic of France (which came about about 3 decades after Quebec was given to the Brits). Also, try telling the Aussies they have to change...
  14. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Speaking of historical themes, if your geography is good this should be easy. From memory, if I remember correctly, Denmark has the oldest flag.
  15. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Good spot! In fact you could say Betsy Ross did 3 for 1, Liberia is also similar, although there is historical connection between it and the USA. Here is a good quiz:
  16. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Speaking of the Nova Scotia flag, search 'Russian Navy Ensign' in Google.
  17. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Yes. I am thanks! ;)
  18. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    Have a think about your national/provincial identity question again. Look at the flags of our provincial and territorial flags as well. I don't really buy the 'good guys / reactionary guys' narrative of the 1960s flag debates. We forget how divided opinion was and there is literature that the...
  19. Impartial Observer

    Ontario Flag needs replacing

    And another thing…the Union Jack has been flying over Ontario longer than any other part of Canada. The Hudson’s Bay Company was granted the right to fly the Red Ensign (same as Ontario flag but with white letter ‘HBC’ where our provincial shield is) in 1682 (Wikipedia). Given that the HBC set...
