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  1. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    How dare you equate Chavez with Pinochet. Pinochet was a butcher. Chavez was democratically elected and instead of siphoning off oil wealth as all his predecessors did he's invested on his own country. Unlike the USA & Canada who are up to their necks in debt. Canadians especially have a lot...
  2. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    How disgusting of you.
  3. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    You are freaking SO wrong. Stop getting your information from CNN. Castro is a member of...
  4. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Escualido. You have NO comprehension of the Latin American tradition among leaders to talk to their people. North American politicians would never dream, nor be capable of talking for periods of time, they need to read their pathetic speeches written by someone else. Escualido!
  5. M

    The Junction

    Yo urbandreamer, read the post about the winter carnival at junctioneer. They sum up the event beautifully.
  6. M

    The Junction

    This is work at Smash by Bruno Billio.
  7. M

    Will Ignatieff Defeat the Government Today?

    Iggmeister is SOOO supporting the cons Though it's very painful, as Canadians clearly don't want the cons in power at the moment even with a tenuous mintority, Iggy continues his unabashed support of the people who dismantled...
  8. M

    Will Ignatieff Defeat the Government Today?

    Groan Ignatieff will SUPPORT the Harper budget today. You shall see. Iggy's not going to defeat the gov't. He's going to obliterate the coalition and support the Harperites in one foul swoop. Harper & Iggy liberals = one and the same thing. Iggy is too keen on being the PM with a majority that...
  9. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Casaguy, I beg to differ. I've been to Caracas countless times over the past 30 years. When I would visit in the 80's early 90's there were armed forces with huge machine guns on many downtown corners. I saw my first dead body in Caracas, you wouldn't really stop at stop lights when driving at...
  10. M

    The Junction

    In any case, what on earth do you care what it cost, it's for the community. The non-profit organization already did all the work to negotiate its use, put it there, fundraise, construction and programming. It's unbelieveable how ungrateful people are and how willing to tear a strip off...
  11. M

    The Junction

    I can assure you it didn't cost $50K. The landlord donated the empty lot to JFAC temporarily for the festival last year and has amenably allowed use of it by the non-propfit art organization for one more year. Community use beyond that is currently unknown.
  12. M

    Braddock, PA: Out of the Furnace and into the Fire

    Wow great article, thanks for posting. The mayor of Braddock sounds facinating.
  13. M

    Currency fixing = root of financial crisis?

    The root is not currency fixing the root is that the deregulation of the US mortgage process and banking rules resulted in global bankruptcy. Selling those 'toxic assets' in large bundles through hedge funds as if they were worth something, to other global banks & countries...caught up with...
  14. M

    The Junction

    They're not really open as a store, but more used as a rehearsal/teaching space. I think they use the space for practice and get booked for gigs mostly elsewhere.
  15. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Minnan-Wong is nothing but a small-thinking, conservative little man of forgettable significance. David Miller certainly doesn't fear Minnan-Wong, that's like a lion fearing a mouse. Minnan-Wong may be empowered by the people who oppose Miller to a small degree, but he is not mayoral material by...
  16. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Adam Giambrone will succeed Miller, after 2012.
  17. M

    Fez Batik to be turned into homeless shelter

    Oh sadness. I loved Gypsy Co-Op and Fez Batik....sorry to see those places disappear. Opening a homeless shelter there is not ideal, maybe they should open one at Bay & University instead.
  18. M

    The Junction

    Ice Rink in the Junction!! The Junction Forum for Art & Culture and Councillor Saundercook are making an icerink at the Junction Train station site at Dundas & Pacific!
  19. M

    The Junction

    I love what Urbanscape did to restore that building. From what I know about store front businesses, many fail after 2 years in operation because new storefront businesses get a break form paying PST for 2 years. Then it kicks in, causing some businesses to close. I have no idea why...
  20. M

    Who's going to be the next Liberal leader?

    I sometimes have voted liberal when I feel the best candidate in my riding, federal or provincial happens to be liberal. But I don't blindly support the liberals or any other party. For example, my current city councillor is NDP ( I know it's not supposed to be party-oriented, but it kind of...
