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  1. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Here, I'll correct this for you... 'Fisting is not my cup of tea but consenting adults can do what they like in bed'. You're welcome. The government/school system's mandate and responsibility is to education children. Knowledge is power and it has been demonstrated time and again that...
  2. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Nfitz reminds one of McCarthy. Brand people as racist (only white people though) based on questionable inferences, assumptions and circumstantial evidence and then let them prove otherwise.
  3. Tewder

    Toronto Concord Sky | 299m | 85s | Concord Adex | Kohn Pedersen Fox

    So Toronto isn't a 'real vibrant city'? Good grief. I think your definition of 'vibrant' must be as wonky as your definition of 'gritty'.
  4. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    How do you know what the religious background of anyone is? Were these individuals in question all wearing crucifixes, hair shirts and 'I love Jesus t-shirts'?... and how do you know that everyone acting out against muslims is 'white'? I've heard a few non-white Canadians make some pretty...
  5. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Right on, only poor whites can make that claim... only if they're women though... or gay... or in a wheelchair.
  6. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    I get it, people like you like labels (oh the levels of irony here)... let's just call it 'assholery' and be done with it.
  7. Tewder

    Toronto Concord Sky | 299m | 85s | Concord Adex | Kohn Pedersen Fox

    The concern is that our downtown streets start to look like sterile corporate shopping malls. There is nothing vibrant about this either, 'classy' and 'beautiful' often being code words for gentrified and generic. So why travel to Yonge Street when it will only have the same chain stores...
  8. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    I agree... and we do have to find moments to agree in these times :) The danger in Videodrome's dirty rhetoric is that it's inflammatory and polarizing. He seeks to marginalize and divide Canadians for his own political ends. It's no better than the awful things we're hearing from some...
  9. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    1. Please quote where Harper and the Conservative party instructed people to set fire to a mosque, which is what you are implying. 2. There is a wide spectrum of opinion among conservative Canadians, they do not all think alike. You have accused all Conservatives of racism and disgusting...
  10. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    That's not how it works. Our government decides on responsible quotas and addresses refugee claims accordingly, including the proper vetting of applicants. This is hardly an 'open door'. This is the second time you've insisted on this false allegation. You still haven't shown where I said...
  11. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Here we go, please tell me where I made such a claim. So you suggest we do nothing? No opposition to ISIS? No humanitarian aid? Taking in 20K refugees will resolve this problem? When do we stop or do we? Canada should open its doors indefinitely? You better be prepared and willing to do...
  12. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    It isn't a sustainable option. There are some 6million people displaced. Are we to take them all in? Pay for all of them? Do we offer the same to all refugees around the world? The better option is to address the issues causing this migration crisis to start with. ... and i'm not...
  13. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    I didn't disagree with your last point Skeezix. There is definitely a segment of the population that jumps to this conclusion, and it is wrong. I was merely countering the idea that our social discourse offers no alternative to this. Turn off Fox and you will find many individuals, groups and...
  14. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    I disagree. There is a very profound discussion within America about gun control, the religious right, the interpretation of rights and freedoms etc. You're right though in that we shouldn't equate ISIS with all muslims. We have to be careful not to buy into their own propaganda.
  15. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Security concerns surrounding the refugees are legitimate, clearly. It is irresponsible to ignore this. Open borders only facilitate the mobility of terrorists and this is already well established. Nevertheless, Europe cannot sustain these levels of migrants and it simply isn't constructive...
  16. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Can we drop religion from the discussion here please? There is no logic to any religious discussion and it isn't constructive in any way. Let's also drop the accusations of racism and name-calling. Those here accusing others of racism are in fact showing themselves to be intolerant. Again...
  17. Tewder

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Right, the Axis was defeated with hugs and fist-bumps.
  18. Tewder

    Municipal Land Transfer Tax - Don't Tax My Dream

    Yeah, the lack of decent options is staggering. Still, I think it's better to vote for a lesser option than to further entrench what starts to amount to a political regime. Yeah the PCs are bad but... that bad?? I do feel sometimes that the rhetoric starts to get a little too polarizing. It...
  19. Tewder

    Municipal Land Transfer Tax - Don't Tax My Dream

    'Hackneyed talking points'... you do see the irony right? Back to the discussion please.... Many voters saw the liberal platform as 'better', sure, but many voters just voted for change because it's time for change.... and sometimes it is just time for change. It isn't really that uncommon...
