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  1. M

    Roads: Montreal reduces city speed limits to 40 km/h

    Actually, there are no 40 signs in Mtl, only 30 (for school and playground) and 50.
  2. M

    The world's most liveable cities—Toronto #15, Vancouver #4

    I think we can safely say that Cannes is still the top film festival in the world, with Toronto being second, which is quite something to brag in itself. As for Montreal, I think you missed a few: Francofolies (the largest french music festival in the world, almost as big here as the Jazz fest...
  3. M

    Roads: Montreal reduces city speed limits to 40 km/h

    I would guess the idea is to change the driver's habit over time. With the now-50 speed limit, Montrealars feel entitled to drive at 60/65. With a 40 speed limit, this might go down (over time, again) to 50/55. Which would be a blessing, especially on the narrow residential streets of the Plateau.
  4. M

    Toronto skyline

    Two pics I took from a friend's place during Pride.
  5. M

    Jack Diamond to Design Montreal Concert Hall

    Another rendering. Too bad they couldn't put the parking entrance elsewhere...
  6. M

    Jack Diamond to Design Montreal Concert Hall

    Here it is:
  7. M

    Best Skyline Other Than Toronto In Canada

    I'm totaly biased toward Montreal. It doesn't have big height, but it has breath, variety, history, texture and density. Vancouver looks stunning, but a little repetitive. As for Calgary, well, it looks to me very generic. Montreal downtown: Source...
  8. M

    Jack Diamond to Design Montreal Concert Hall

    The Westmount Square ugly? First time I hear that. True, the interior mall isn't anything special, but the the three towers are just as elegant and refined as anything else done by Mies. Why ugly??? As for the new concert hall, Diamond was choosen after a competition. I was hoping that...
  9. M

    Globe Series on Tourism in Toronto

    This is how Toronto should sell it's landmarks AND it's neighborhood (check the video - it's quite nice):
  10. M

    Why does Canada hate Toronto? We want love! :(

    All very true and well said. On the whole, I find that Montreal anglophones are often envious of Toronto and the older generation is still bitter, and that can translate in "I hate Toronto" comments. On the other hand, Montreal francophones, while envious to a certain degree, are more...
  11. M

    AMC Yonge & Dundas opens at Toronto Life Square

    True. Also, independant american movies are very often release only in english, so they attract any one who can understand english on the island, including francophones who are bilingual.
  12. M

    AMC Yonge & Dundas opens at Toronto Life Square

    200 000 ? Closer to 700 000. If you take into consideration bilingual Montrealars who would go see a movie in english, it's well over a million, easily.
  13. M

    Shabby Toronto

    Toronto is not ugly. In fact, in many parts, is it very beautiful. Urban beauty can take many forms. In some ways, the city has been a victim of its own success, booming almost non-stop since so many decades... it puts a lot of pressure on its urban form. The period between the 50's and 70's...
  14. M

    Toronto landmark lost for ever.

    I'm not familiar with High Park. Can anyone post a picture of it ?
  15. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    First of all, it would mean that it's being banned or censored or whatever you want to call it, since it would not be made at all. And why wouldn't it be? You think it's porn because of the title? Have you seen the film? Young People Fucking was shown at the Toronto Film Festival and here are...
  16. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    Well, it shows you don't have a clue about this. Just to take one recent exemple... Eastern Promises got lots of money from Telefilm, yet the movie is set in London, with British and Russian caracters. The only Canadian content here is behind the camera.
  17. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    And speaking of that...
  18. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    Tax credits (because that's what we are talking about here) are not to be confused with regular government art fundings. Tax Credits is first and foremost an economic incentive and it does exist also in the USA. Many American states are in direct competition with Canadian provinces to get movie...
  19. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    My english is not good enough to explain this clearly, but I will try. The project of law C-10 modifies the fiscal law of the federal government. It is a voluminous document that was already adopted by the parliament. Obviously, the opposition didn't do it's home work properly, because it let...
  20. M

    Harper Tories to Cut Funding for "Offensive" Films

    You really don't understand how this work. Federal money, through subventions or fiscal programs, goes into many economics sectors, including the oil sector in Canada. The film and TV industry in this country relies on a minuscule percentage of that money, to produce not only movies, but...
