News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 17, 2025
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News   Mar 17, 2025
 806     2 


This area needs more restaurants.

Definitely. There have been a few more "food choices" popping up, but one has to pay attention to find a place. The food tents at Ontario Square are there, but it makes me a little nervous for hygienic reasons.
On another matter, all the coloured LED lighting under the wave decks are all off, not sure when or why that happened. Too bad, it can get pretty busy down there on warm weekend evenings, and those lights make such an impact walking along Queen's Quay.
The tree plantings mostly seem to be a success, vs. Bloor St. and they are filling out a bit too. The trees at HTO & a few other areas are nearing maturity, and look terrific.
It's still pretty much mass confusion down there, cars driving where streetcars run, people walking in the bike lanes, the traffic signals confuse people so they walk on a "no walk" signal - I think some thought has to go back into the design along Queen's Quay W. To be honest, I've found myself wandering into the bike lanes by accident while engaged in conversation with friends!
I walked down there today. Didn't see a single incident apart from a group of pedestrians crossing against the light who got honked at by a car growing through the green.

The first installation to pop-up is titled Impulse, and it’s an interactive work comprised of 15 seesaws that form units of light and sound that can be activated by the public to create an ever-changing composition.

The installation was first presented as part of the sixth edition of Luminothérapie in 2015-2016 at the Place des Festivals in the Quartier des Spectacles in Montreal.

Impulse will be on display at the Harbourfront Centre from October 25 through November 12, from 9 am to 10 pm daily.

