just east of the creek
Senior Member
I disagree with Drum on this issue. And with respect as I know Drum has been engaged in these areas for longer then I have been a member of UT.I gave up on email as I am still wait responses on questions and other things from everyone, with TTC failing to answer simple questions.
The days of us having any power or bending arms are gone as the power to be march to their own beat when they want to march at all.
Even Waterfront Toronto having a hard time trying to get anyone to listen to them or even fund various things as well accepting their request to change things.
Try get BlogTO to do a write up on this mess
However, I find that well written emails, copied to your local councillor, mayor (etc) will receive a reply or acknowledgment, even if less then satisfactory. Facts are inportant, well stated points of view and respectful disagreements of opinion work. But what is vitally important, is that you, as a constituent are expressing a valid opinion, and if this is repeated by enough people and on an ongoing basis, will be recognized as such. BlogTO is hardly a highly rated source of accurate reporting, but there are other news organizations in the city with longstanding track records that can be engaged with as well.
This type of engagement, over a period of time, with a specific goal in mind, is a ‘political’ campaign. If you are pursuing your point of view with the goal of changing people’s minds, you will require diligence, supportable fact and both public and peer pressure.
Public engagement can be a long, long process (witness the fight against further quarries in Halton Region along the escarpment ) but being part of the process, even a very small part, beats being on the sidelines any day.
UT is an excellent forum for the exchange of ideas and information. It also reminds us that although we may feel that we are absolutely correct and have all the facts to support our position, someone else does not agree, and however unhinged we may privately beleive they are, their passion for a belief may be as valid as ours.