I've been neglecting coming into this thread for the past few weeks as it has been a tad depressing as of late.
At present, I am traveling through Europe and have been explaining to people what is happening to Toronto's cycling lanes and they look at me with such disbelief. They literally cannot comprehend the sheer idiocy of the provincial government's actions. To every person I explained the situation to, removing these key inner-city bike lanes is like removing a limb from your body. It makes us look like a complete laughing stock across the entire globe.
It is gaining international news too, the Guardian has picked up on the story:
In preparation for plan, Ontario has indemnified itself from liability if cyclists are killed on streets that once had bike lanes
As a side-note, one thing that I noticed a lot in Europe is that the bike lanes tend to be at the same grade as the sidewalk, not the vehicular lane. I think this would help a lot with reorienting peoples minds that the bike lane is not taking space away from vehicular traffic. I second the post above suggesting the City replace the bike lanes with sidewalk extensions lol. Hell, install landscaping on the former bike lanes and once the DoFo government is gone, reinstall the bikelanes between the landscaping and the pedestrian sidewalk. We'll hopefully never have to revisit this sad period again with such a design.