Developer: LIUNA
Address: 595 Front St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Hotel, Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Transit, Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 786 ft / 239.43 mStoreys: 72 storeys
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Toronto Rail Deck Development | 239.43m | 72s | LIUNA | Sweeny &Co

The neighbourhoods surrounding the tracks downtown are the ones with the highest growth in households with children recently.

The developer, and ultimately, the purchasers in this development.

The economics for a project of this size are mind-blowing - we're talking about probably a $6.5billion project cost for 8,000 units - not including any park cost.

The logistics of building the park are another matter altogether - good luck trying to get anything done when your working hours are 12 midnight to 5am every weeknight.
The economics for a project of this size are mind-blowing - we're talking about probably a $6.5billion project cost for 8,000 units - not including any park cost.

The logistics of building the park are another matter altogether - good luck trying to get anything done when your working hours are 12 midnight to 5am every weeknight.
Said another way:
...and if you're so desperate for a "rail deck" park, go hang out at the CIBC Square bridge. It's partially open now! So go get your rocks off there..and stop bothering us or this city about this! Thnkx!
It's not a park, it's a poop deck (as I started calling it years ago, though it didn't catch on...). 4000 little dogs will live in those sad little apartments in Kowloon slabs facing into each other's windows and they'll need somewhere to walk and play. They will play and poop and piddle in little planters in concrete with potted plants that will die in a couple of years. Let's not pretend a lot of people are going to raise kid anywhere like this. It looks like sad waiting to happen. We thought Winnipeg was the World Capital of Sorrow; this will help Toronto steal that title along with the Grey Cup.
It should have been developed as Doug's SPA Facility and Ontario Place regenerated (and possibly enlarged) as a public park and entertainment facility. Doug could have bicycled down University Avenue to Front for his daily hot rock treatment and we would all have been better off.
I am against casinos personally but think that they will be like heroin for Queen’s Park. An attempt is likely especially if serious global money backs it.
Why are we talking about a mythical casino here? Because Wynn proposed one in NYC?
To sell mythical condos that aren't selling right now?
Why are we talking about a mythical casino here? Because Wynn proposed one in NYC?
To sell mythical condos that aren't selling right now?
I am only saying that casino/entertainment corporations are being used as anchors for several projects to make large scale developments more feasible. As it is being done by a Toronto firm it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that a similar concept would be tried here.
A clarification regarding the ownership of this project, as indicated in the thread title. The Liuna Central and Eastern Ontario Pension Fund is, at this time, the 100% owner of the Rail Deck Development proposal - Fengate is not the developer. Fengate is acting as advisor to Liuna, but at this time has no ownership in the project.

Liuna's ownership was identified (but not highlighted) in the Community Consultation on November 18. Prior to the Community Consultation meeting, the proponent and its team held a preliminary meeting with area representatives on November 6, at which the question was asked (by me) about the ownership structure - it was clarified that the Liuna pension fund was the 100% owner, of the project - no other entities currently have any equity interest in it. However it was stated that the possibility was open that Fengate might, at some future date, acquire a share of the project (presumably on behalf of its investors).

Obviously, the major implication is of the nature of the funding behind the Rail Deck Development project - a large pension fund with deep pockets and a view to the very long term.

@Paclo @interchange42
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A clarification regarding the ownership of this project, as indicated in the thread title. The Liuna Central and Eastern Ontario Pension Fund is, at this time, the 100% owner of the Rail Deck Development proposal - Fengate is not the developer. Fengate is acting as advisor to Liuna, but at this time has no ownership in the project.

Liuna's ownership was identified (but not highlighted) in the Community Consultation on November 18. Prior to the Community Consultation meeting, the proponent and its team held a preliminary meeting with area representatives on November 6, at which the question was asked (by me) about the ownership structure - it was clarified that the Liuna pension fund was the 100% owner, of the project - no other entities currently have any equity interest in it. However it was stated that the possibility was open that Fengate might, at some future date, acquire a share of the project (presumably on behalf of its investors).

Obviously, the major implication is of the nature of the funding behind the Rail Deck Development project - a large pension fund with deep pockets and a view to the very long term.

@Paclo @interchange42
That's fine but it still doesn't change the fact that $800K in per-unit creation costs, not including the park or any softs, is a bad investment and won't happen.
That's fine but it still doesn't change the fact that $800K in per-unit creation costs, not including the park or any softs, is a bad investment and won't happen.
Any park will require substantial city investment as the developer won't cover the entire cost for it. Of course nothing has gone before council on the matter as the entire project is in such an early stage. There is even a small chance that the developer may opt build over only the storage portion of the rail area to the north along Front Street and leave the southern open if there is ultimately no agreement with the city. They could also eventually coordinate with Metrolinx - which may eventually have a development over the proposed RER site at the northwest corner of Front and Spadina across from the Well.
