Ok..... things gleaned from this Star Article about the 'Technical Briefing/Business case for the OSC move'
1) The cost of the move to Ontario Place omits the cost of restoring the pods.
2) The total cost estimate for restoring/improving the existing OSC (and operating it its current site) is a whopping 2.3B. I have yet to see how they arrived at this eye popping estimate, but I will express my cynicism as to its accuracy.
3) Clearly the business case is predicated in part on falling attendance at the OSC.
- Not clear is whether the under-fundinging of the OSC at its current site is taken into proper account in that,.
- Also not clear is accounting for the multi-year disruption of the Don Mills/Eglinton intersection as part of the Crosstown construction.
- Further, its not clear whether the opening of the Crosstown and the Ontario Line were factored into potential future attendance.
A study released by Infrastructure Ontario puts the cost of renovating the aging Ontario Science Centre at $2.3 billion, compared to $1.7 billion to construct a new one as part of a revamped Ontario Place.