Toronto 11 YV | 213m | 62s | Metropia | Sweeny &Co

Photos taken April 10th, 2023:

First from Yonge and Davenport:


Now from Yorkville Avenue:






Finally, from Cumberland:

I'm looking at it and trying to figure out what doesn't work. They've got nice big spans of glass, the stone material looks ok by itself, they tried to articulate things a bit with those big caps...

Maybe if they swapped out the big grey vertical fins up the middle of the stone for a shallower stainless trim? And a lot of that grey anodized framing would look sharper in a beige or even an ivory, maybe?
Feels like they started the cladding too soon. so close behind the main concrete structure than typical. Seems like the cladding guys will be waiting a bunch.

Yeah, I thought the standard is about 7 floors behind to allow the concrete to properly cure?
I think the cladding looks okay - there's a consistency to it. I like symmetry.
Looks like they reworked a lot of the curtain wall. And not in a good way.
For the same money, the builder could have used the window wall with brown spandrel/brown mullions used on 2 St Thomas and it wouldnt be such an eyesore.
It's always the window's trim that decides weather the facade will look rich or cheap in my book lol! You can never go wrong with black or real dark trim. It makes the cladding and window trim pop out ! light coloured trim makes the majority of facades look kind of cheap. And that's we see here and other towers who use it .
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