How To Use
Register by clicking here. This will give you the ability to share and interact: upload and submit photos, post comments, follow individual projects, cities and other members directly, discuss, share, interact and learn.

SkyriseCities allows members to easily upload photos directly to each project's forum thread from any device. This allows our global community to see each other’s updates immediately.

The camera icon is found on the top right of the nav bar along with areas associated with specific projects. Click on it to access the photo upload tool. Find the project you want to upload to by using the search field function. Once found, add the photo(s), comment and hit send. The photo (and comment) will automatically be uploaded to the specific forum discussion thread for that project, the project's database page and the main city page where the project is being built.

Best of all, the most active photographers using this manner of uploading will top our world Trending Listings (make yourself a worldwide star).

The star icon is an indication that the particular item or page you are on can be followed. If the star is white, it means you are not following, while a yellow star indicates that you have turned the follow function on. Following means that all updates on SkyriseCities related to the item/project you are following will appear on your “User Page” (see User Page below). You can follow cities, projects and other members.

All registered users of the site, are provided with an individual profile page. This page is your home base. You can customize your profile in a number of ways:

Personalize your profile by adding an avatar which appears on your profile page, on all your posts in the forum and all other interactions on the site. When logged in your avatar will appear in the top right hand corner of the nav bar.

Add a bio, your home city and social media links to let other members know who you are and where you are from. A “message me” link allows others to contact you directly.

Since SkyriseCities allows you to follow cities, projects and other members, your user profile page is designed to be a feed of everything that you are following. Check in daily to see any updates on those subjects that you have chosen to follow.

The user profile page summarizes your activity, including when you joined, your last activity, the number of forum posts you've made along with the "likes" you received for them and how many photos you’ve uploaded.

New and improved UTPro data tool now available!