In this week's snapshot UrbanToronto Pro Instant Report, our focus is on Downtown Whitby, in Durham Region in the eastern Greater Toronto Area. Through a Custom Location Report, powered by data from our UTPro service, today's report is centred on 401 Dundas Street East, capturing most of the proposals near Whitby's main corners. This historic town has a low-rise centre with some ground level retail along the main streets and spread out homes on side streets, but like many communities that gradually became suburbs around Toronto as commuting culture reshaped the area, most business moved to plazas, malls, and industrial areas outside the historic core. Now though, several infill projects at various stages are underway within our 800m circle.

401 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario UTPro Instant ReportMap view of the area surrounding 401 Dundas Street East, image from UTPro Instant Report

There are six projects in the pre-construction phase within our circle, three under active construction (with one soon to be completed), and one recently completed. The developments are a blend of low-rise residential buildings, either townhouse style, or boutique condo style, while one project in preliminary stages is testing the waters with a 19-storey plan, even if the only rendering for it so far shows 12 storeys.

401 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario UTPro Instant Report

The one development showing as completed in the area is 513 Dundas Street East, a 6-storey rental project that began occupancy this Spring. Designed by Cianfrone Architect for Kiya Developments, the project brings 73 new homes to a lot that was previously unbuilt on.

513 Dundas Street East, Whitby, as of April, 2023513 Dundas Street East as of April, 2023, image by Edward Skira

The most significant building under construction in the area at the moment is the 160-unit Station No. 3. With architecture by RAW Design for Brookfield Residential, this six-storey-plus-mezzanine condo one block south of Downtown Whitby's main corners at Dundas and Brock streets, includes street level retail. As of June, 2023, construction had reached the 5th floor with forms up to create the floor slab of the 6th.

Drone shot of Station No. 3, WhitbyDrone shot of Station No. 3, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor FutureDurham

Projects in planning and/or sales phases here include townhomes, boutique condos, and retirement residences. Developers are not finding it easy to go big here in this area of Whitby, as it is not close to a major transit station and remains zoned for smaller developments. Developer Whitby Brock Estates recently dropped a 7-storey plan along Brock Street a few blocks north of Dundas down from seven to six floors, but were turned down by both the municipality and the Ontario Land Tribunal as being overwhelmingly large for the area. 

423-435 Brock Street North, designed by Giovanni A. Tassone Architects for Whitby Brock Estates Inc.Shot-down plan for 423-435 Brock Street North, designed by Giovanni A. Tassone Architects for Whitby Brock Estates Inc.

Delving deeper into the data, the results are clear that Whitby will accept infill development in its downtown area, but the projects better be quite modestly scaled. While there is one proposal out there according to one developer's website as high as 19 storeys, the image of the building only shows 12 storeys; but six storeys or shorter seems to rule the day here for the moment. If all of the proposals are seen through though, this area of Whitby could see over 1,100 new homes over the coming years, with plenty of more land for potential future intensification proposals, indicating a revitalized old Ontario downtown could be the future for this area.

401 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario UTPro Instant ReportStatistics on the GFA breakdown for the area, image from UTPro Instant Report

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Related Companies:  Bousfields, Counterpoint Engineering, Greenloc Environmental Hoarding, HGC Noise Vibration Acoustics, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, Multiplex Construction Canada Ltd., Platinum Condo Deals, RAW Design, The Fence People