Returning with the latest instalment of our weekly series, the UTPro Instant Report, today’s story will be taking a look at the current state of development in a portion of North York south of the 401. Drawing on information collected via UrbanToronto’s advanced data service, UTPro, our Instant Report has identified all of the projects located within Toronto’s MLS Zone C04. 

Enjoying a larger area than many of the City’s MLS Zones, C04 is bound roughly by Allen Road to the west, Highway 401 to the north, Eglinton Avenue to the south, and Yonge Street to the east. Despite this vast area however, the majority of land within C04 is zoned for Neighbourhood uses, while mixed-use designations are applied sparingly along the major roads such as Bathurst and Yonge Streets, Eglinton and Lawrence Avenues, and Avenue Road. These strict zoning conditions have not stifled development, however, but rather have prompted these main streets to become the lightning rods for development proposals within the zone. 

UTPro Instant Report, MLS Zone C04, located in south-central North York, containing a total of 44 projectsMap view of MLS Zone C04, with a total of 44 projects, image from UTPro Instant Report

Our MLS Zoning Report identified a total of 44 projects in C04. More than half of those projects were labeled as being in the planning or sales stages, with 27 falling within that group, while another nine were labeled as complete. Active construction was the smallest group of projects, with a total of eight. 

Studying the characteristics of this set of projects, Avenue & Park gives us the most comprehensive impression of what is current in the zone. Completed in 2022, the 7-storey residential development offers an exclusive unit count of 35, with spacious suites ranging from 1,000 - 3,000 ft². Located north of Lawrence Avenue, the project faces less pressure to deliver more but smaller units, and focusses instead on creating fewer but luxurious homes. 

Avenue & Park, 7-storey residential development in North York designed by Page + Steele and IBI Group for Stafford Developments, Greybrook Realty Partners and Stafford DevelopmentsLooking southwest at Avenue & Park luxury condo, completed in 2022, image by Edward Skira

Among the list of projects currently under construction here, 2525 Bathurst Street is an example of what above average density looks like in Zone C04. The building is scaled in the mid-rise range, reaching a total of 13 storeys, and delivers 150 dwelling units to be offered as market rate rentals. The project is just a few hundred metres north of Eglinton Avenue, positioning it close to transit including the soon-to-open Forest Hill Eglinton Line 5 station.

2525 Bathurst, 13-storey rental development in North York designed by IBI GroupLooking south at 2525 Bathurst currently under construction, image by UT Forum contributor skypatterns

Finally, in the planning stage group, 284 Lawrence West demonstrates how far some developers are striving to go with density in Zone C04. On a larger plot of land than most of the other proposals in the area, the project consists of a pair of mid-rises standing 10 and 14 storeys, and would deliver 532 units, a total that is five times greater than the Zone average. With low-rise neighbourhoods hugging the arterial roads through this zone, opportunities to go this large here have proven elusive, but not impossible if the right land assemblies can be made.

284 Lawrence, proposed 20building development in North York, designed by Turner Fleischer Architects for First CapitalProposed design for 2-building 284 Lawrence West development, image from submission to City of Toronto

Looking at some of the additional statistics presented in our MLS Zone Report, the average size of the projects here help to frame the standard for relatively low density in Zone C04. The average building height was cited at just under 28 metres (about 9 storeys), while the average gross floor area (GFA) came in at 8,839m². With projects of this scale, there is a lower ceiling on density here compared to many other areas of the city. 

UTPro Instant Report, MLS Zone C04, located in south-central North York, containing a total of 44 projectsSupporting statistics graphic shows average height and GFA, image from UTPro Instant Report

The statistics could indicate that development in Zone C04 is not pushing quite as hard as other emerging pockets of the GTA to deliver on high-density projects. The next decade will likely see the continued proliferation of mid-rise development along the major street zoned for mixed-uses, but more catalyst projects proposing big density will be required to incite a shift towards larger scaled buildings. 

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As UrbanToronto continues to refine its role in the GTA development industry, our data services have evolved to become one of our defining elements and we want to share those capabilities with our community. The UrbanToronto Pro Instant Reports is just one of the ways our data can be applied to provide quick and convenient insights on the development trends of any area in the GTA, with filters for Wards MLS Zones, and Custom Areas. 

Related Companies:  Arcadis, Bousfields, Counterpoint Engineering, Egis, Ferris + Associates Inc., First Capital, Greybrook Realty Partners, MEP Design Inc., Norris Fire Consulting Inc, RWDI Climate and Performance Engineering, Stafford, Turner Fleischer Architects, U31, Vortex Fire Consulting Inc. , WND Associates Ltd