In 2017, developers Fieldgate Urban were one of several development companies to acquire lands occupied by Beer Store retail locations across Toronto, and begin the process of redeveloping them to create new homes. As of 2022, we have seen a number of these projects reach completion, and after a few more months of work, the same will be true of The Poet Condominiums, Fieldgate’s 6-storey low-rise building in the East Toronto neighbourhood of Leslieville. 

Rendering of the design for Fieldgate Urban's 6-Storey development, The Poet CondominiumsView of the completed design of the Poet Condominiums, seen from Queen Street East facing south, image from submission to City of Toronto

Located at 1285 Queen Street East, just east of Leslie Street, The Poet is designed by TACT Architecture and presents a modular-looking street-wall created by wide rectangular framing segments that are set at different depths along the Queen frontage. The result is a geometric composition that allows for balconies while delivering a unique textural presence through varying shadows to a street front that experiences consistent foot traffic. With the promise of 69 residential units, The Poet advanced through the planning process over several years ultimately finishing demolition and beginning construction in the fall of 2021. With the project now topped off and preparing for exterior finishings, we have compiled a set of photos to summarize the first year of construction. 

On November 1st, 2021, UrbanToronto Forum contributor flonicky captured an image of the site in the earliest stage of excavation, with the site dug out just below ground level along all four edges, and a centrally located pile of earth awaiting removal. 

View of construction progress at Fieldgate Urban's 6-storey residential development, the Poet CondominiumsExcavation begins to dig out the foundation of the development, image by UT Forum contributor flonicky

Several months later, on March 17th, 2022, flonicky returned to the site to document the significant progress made. By this time, excavation was completed and below grade forming was well underway, with the outermost concrete walls poured, and forming in place for the structural columns and walls. This was also the first time the crane was documented on site on UrbanToronto.

View of construction progress at Fieldgate Urban's 6-storey residential development, the Poet CondominiumsConcrete forming begins at the below grade level, image by UT Forum contributor flonicky

The next notable update came on May 24th, from UrbanToronto Forum contributor AlbertC, who was there to capture when the building emerged from below ground with its first above grade concrete forms. A floor slab can be seen across the site, with a narrow area in the foreground showing the rebar grid that will reinforce the concrete pour soon to come. 

View of construction progress at Fieldgate Urban's 6-storey residential development, the Poet CondominiumsConcrete forming reaches first level above ground, image by UT Forum contributor AlbertC

From this point on, the project advanced at a steady pace, and after a productive summer of building, an image captured on October 28th by UrbanToronto Forum contributor bilked shows the building’s concrete form topped off. The staggered character of the street-wall is clearly visible, and square openings can be seen in the concrete where the precast exterior panels will be fastened to the structure. 

View of construction progress at Fieldgate Urban's 6-storey residential development, the Poet CondominiumsView of the concrete form topped off from Queen Street East facing southeast, image by UT Forum contributor bilked

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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UrbanToronto has a research service, UrbanToronto Pro, that provides comprehensive data on construction projects in the Greater Toronto Area—from proposal through to completion. We also offer Instant Reports, downloadable snapshots based on location, and a daily subscription newsletter, New Development Insider, that tracks projects from initial application.

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