With the last two years of pandemic related restrictions limiting student presence at the University of Toronto’s historic St. George Campus, the construction of the University’s Landscape of Landmark Quality project was able to make big strides towards completion without causing a significant disruption to the student experience. Now with over two years of progress in the rearview, completed areas are beginning to be reopened, allowing foot traffic to return to large portions of the campus in time for the fall semester. 

Aerial view of the planned landscape redesign for the University of Toronto's St George Campus in Downtown TorontoAerial view facing east shows planned landscape redesign for U of T's St George Campus, image from submission to City of Toronto

The redevelopment of the streetscape of the St George Campus has been in the works for over five years, when the University decided that it was time to revisit the landscape design with a focus on pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, particularly in King’s College Circle. Formalized plans for the redesign came out in the latter half of 2019, when KPMB Architects won the competition to preside over the project, and ground was broken a little less than a year later. 

The design from KPMB, produced in collaboration with Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates and ERA Architects, saw simple changes like the reconfiguration of the existing footpaths with granite pavers, the addition of granite benches and native species gardens, and the implementation of a new lighting system. The design also outlined more significant plans to improve the pedestrian experience that began with removing surface parking spaces to allow for a campus heart uninterrupted by cars; the result was the conception of a single-level underground parking area below the field of King’s College Circle, and the construction of a pavilion above ground providing access from the surface level.  

Ground level view of the planned pavilion in Kings' College Circle providing access to the new underground parking facilityPlanned pavilion in King's College Circle to provide access to underground parking, image from submission to City of Toronto

Additionally, the development plan was accented with the construction of a geothermal heating system that will not only heat the surrounding buildings, but the footpaths and roads as well, ensuring a safe and salt-free environment throughout the winter months. 

An image captured on September 12th by UrbanToronto Forum contributor Northern Light offers a relatively current update on the status of the project, showing the nearly completed state of the pavers laid on Hart House Circle south of the Soldiers' Tower. 

University of Toronto, view south along Hart House Circle shows new granite pavers and benchesView south along Hart House Circle shows new granite pavers and benches (Left), image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor Northern Light

Meanwhile, another photo by Northern Light shared in our dedicated thread on August 26th shows the same completed state of the pavers to the north of Soldiers' Tower (looking south towards it) where Tower Road used to run. Access under the tower, which had been closed for an extended time during the work, has been reopened.

Ground level view from Tower Road shows construction progress on the footpaths of U of T's St George CampusView from Tower Road facing south shows completed pavers and open walkway under The Soldiers' Tower, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor Northern Light

Moving down to King’s College Circle, UrbanToronto Forum contributor Limer shared an image captured on September 9th that provides a clear aerial view of the excavated site that will soon be the parking facility. An array of columns sprout up from a base slab, with scaffolding covering much of the centre of the worksite, while to the left we can see that parts of the top layer slab have been formed. 

Aerial view of King's College Cirlce shows construction progress on new parking facility, part of landscaping redesign at U of TAerial view facing northeast shows construction progress of parking facility under King's College Circle, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor Limer

Construction was intended to be completed by 2023, but the progress so far appears to indicate a completion in 2023. 

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  EllisDon, Feature Walters, Geosource Energy, RJC Engineers, Salas O'Brien, Urban Strategies Inc.