Republic Developments has submitted applications to the City of Toronto for Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval of 2451 Dufferin Street, at the southeast corner with Castlefield Avenue in the Briar Hill area of Toronto. The proposal seeks to demolish the existing Mazda dealership and associated surface parking lot, and redevelop the site with an IBI Group-designed 20-storey mixed-use development. At grade it would have an active retail frontage along Dufferin with residential condominium townhouses facing Castlefield.
Looking east to 2451 Dufferin, designed by IBI Group for Republic Developments
The total building GFA is 36,161.8m² which would include 706m² of retail, 35,456m² of residential, 924m² of indoor amenity space, plus 924m² of outdoor amenity space, proposing a density of 5.74 FSI on the site. The indoor amenity space would be located on the ground, second, third, and eleventh levels, while the outdoor amenity spaces would be located on the third and eleventh level terraces. A 600m² triangular-shaped area is proposed for parkland dedication at the east end of the site, and would be located directly adjacent to existing green space, expanding it.
Looking South to 2451 Dufferin, designed by IBI Group for Republic Developments
A 20-storey residential tower would rise beside the corner of Dufferin and Castlefield which is along the north property line, the intent being to locate the tallest elements away from neighbouring low-rise residential to avoid any adverse shadowing impacts or privacy concerns. The tower has a step-back at the 17th storey.
The building is proposed with a two-part base. The lower part is a 5-storey podium that also has 2-storey sections fronting Roselawn Avenue to the south. The upper part is ten storeys tall and stepped back 3 to 4.5 metres from the podium below, and it steps down itself to six storeys in the southeast and southwest corners to transition to the neighbouring low-rise residential to the south, and to provide a more human scale and sense of enclosure through its vehicular drop-off area. Atop the 2-storey sections would be outdoor amenities and a green roof.
Looking north along the Dufferin Street sidewalk at 2451 Dufferin, designed by IBI Group for Republic Developments
A total of 462 units are proposed for the new development, including 10 studios (2%), 74 one-bedrooms (16%), 149 one-bedroom + dens (32%), 181 two-bedrooms (39%), and 48 three-bedrooms (10%), 20 of which would be townhomes.
Vehicular access to the building would be be off of Roselawn Avenue with a two way, ‘C’ shaped drop off area. It would also provide entry to the loading bay and underground parking. Parking would be provided exclusively underground within a two level garage with 254 spaces, 231 for residents and 23 for visitors. A total of 462 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed. Long-term bicycle parking would be provided on P1 and short-term bicycle parking would be provided at surface level.
2451 Dufferin site plan with triangle-shaped park dedication, image from submission to the City
The site is served by TTC buses on Dufferin Street. About a year from now, the Crosstown LRT will be operating under Eglinton Avenue. The site is about 500 metres north of where Fairbank station will open, bringing rapid transit within walking distance.
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