A low-rise rental apartment building in Midtown Toronto could make way for a 22-storey residential building comprising condominium and rental dwelling units. In October, Curated Properties submitted a Zoning By-Law Amendment application to the City for the proposal located at 109 Erskine Avenue west of Redpath Avenue.

109 Erskine Avenue, Toronto, designed by RAW Design for Curated PropertiesLooking south to 109 Erskine Avenue, designed by RAW for Curated Properties

The proposed development seeks to demolish the existing three-and-a-half storey, 31-unit apartment building and in its place build a 22-storey, 68 metre-high, 231-unit residential building designed by RAW Design. The 31 rental replacement apartment units would occupy the second to fifth levels of the new building, while the ground floor, and sixth through 22nd floors would contain condos along with indoor and outdoor amenity spaces accessible to all building residents.

109 Erskine Avenue, Toronto, designed by RAW Design for Curated PropertiesAxonometric view looking southwest of the proposed massing of 109 Erskine Avenue, designed by RAW for Curated Properties

 The building’s massing is comprised of a five-storey base with upper storey step-backs at the 6th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st storeys, as illustrated in the East elevation below. The tower floor plates range from 495 to 704 m². The units are proposed in a mix of 10% studios, 55% one-bedroom, 24% two-bedroom, and 11% three-bedroom suites. A total of 49 parking spaces are proposed within two underground levels, along with 214 bicycle parking spaces.

109 Erskine Avenue, Toronto, designed by RAW Design for Curated PropertiesEast elevation of 109 Erskine Avenue, designed by RAW for Curated Properties

No retail is envisaged here. The entry lobby would be located on the north side facing Erskine Avenue. The site area is 1,737 m² with a frontage on Erskine of 30.48m and a depth of 57.04m. The total proposed residential Gross Floor Area is 14,029 m² for a Floor Space Index of 8.01.

109 Erskine Avenue, Toronto, designed by RAW Design for Curated PropertiesNorth and South elevations of 109 Erskine Avenue, designed by RAW for Curated Properties

Adjacent to the site are three-storey townhouses to the east, a recently completed 33-storey high-rise residential building with a six-storey base to the west, and immediately north across the street, a 23-storey high-rise residential apartment building.

109 Erskine Avenue, Toronto, designed by RAW Design for Curated PropertiesLooking north to the site of 109 Erskine in Midtown Toronto, marked by the red pin.

The site is within 600 metres of Eglinton Subway Station, and proximate to two future Crosstown LRT stations which are expected to open in 2022. Growth in Midtown continues with several mixed-use development applications at various stages of the approvals process. Below is a map of Midtown development activity. Projects under review for Zoning By-laws or Site Plan Control applications show an asterisk beside the number of storeys, while approved applications do not have an asterisk.


Active Midtown Toronto development applications marking number of storeys. Image by WND Associates.Active Midtown Toronto development applications marking number of storeys. Image by WND Associates.

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Related Companies:  Gradient Wind Engineers & Scientists, Grounded Engineering Inc., Norris Fire Consulting Inc, RAW Design, WND Associates Ltd