A March, 2019 proposal to redevelop a gas station and a pair of low-rise commercial buildings at Sherbourne and Front in Downtown Toronto has been progressing through the City's planning and approvals process. After a mid-2019 appearance before the Design Review Panel and a Fall, 2019 application for Site Plan Approval, Menkes Developments' plan for the site at 33 Sherbourne has been resubmitted with revisions for rezoning in response to comments from City staff.

Looking northeast over 33 Sherbourne, image via submission to City of Toronto

The latest submission for the 37-storey, Giannone Petricone Associates-designed condominium development includes moves that heavily alter the building's relationship to the northeast corner of Sherbourne and Front, as well as the abutting laneway to the north.

Looking south to 33 Sherbourne, images via submission to City of Toronto

The most obivoius changes involve the design of the podium, which has been redesigned to increase the width of surrounding sidewalks and the laneway to the north, while introducing a new look that better references the local character. Below, a trio of renderings from different stages of the planning process details the podium's design evolution. 

Design evolution for 33 Sherbourne, images via submission to City of Toronto

The latest application introduces a two-storey brick facade to replicate the massing and texture of the existing 2.5-storey brick and beam building now on site, while other changes in the podium's massing have resulted in the amount of proposed amenity spaces for residents increasing from 1,421 m² to 1,550 m². Above the podium, the tower has also been revised, with changes to stepbacks and the elimination of balconies protruding from the east and west elevations.

A total gross floor area (GFA) of 31,278 m² is proposed in the current plan, consisting of 29,597 m² of residential space and 1,246 m² of retail space. This marks a slight increase from the original proposal’s proposed GFA of 30,616.5 m². The proposed count of 439 condominium units is unchanged from the previous application, though the unit layout mix has been altered to 301 one-bedrooms, 45 two-bedrooms, and 45 three-bedrooms.

Looking north across Front Street to 33 Sherbourne, images via submission to City of Toronto

You can learn more from our Database file for the project, linked below. If you'd like to, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread, or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  Cornerstone Marketing Realty, EQ Building Performance Inc., Figure3, Giannone Petricone Associates, Goldberg Group, Greenloc Environmental Hoarding, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, LEA Consulting, Live Patrol Inc., Menkes Developments, RWDI Climate and Performance Engineering, The Fence People