A development has recently kicked off construction at Jarvis and Shuter streets in Downtown Toronto, soon to bring both new rental apartments to the neighbourhood and another hotel. The Hyatt Place / The 203 Residences on Jarvis building from Manga Hotels will rise 32 storeys and 108 metres/354 feet above the intersection's northeast corner, with a design by IBI Group that places the rental residential units in the upper half of the new building and the Hyatt closer to ground level.

Hyatt Place / The 203 Residences on Jarvis, Toronto, Manga, IBI GroupConstruction at 203 Jarvis, image by Forum contributor AlbertC

Most recently a surface parking lot, it was cleared away in October, and the first signs of construction were spotted in November, when a drilling rig began work on shoring. In the time since, the drilling of boreholes and installation of the vertical shoring piles has progressed quickly. Views from the start of December show a series of steel I-beams protruding from the ground around the site’s perimeter. These beams will form the vertical bracing for the retaining walls that will hold back the surrounding soils during excavation of the building’s 4.5 underground levels.

Hyatt Place / The 203 Residences on Jarvis, Toronto, Manga, IBI GroupConstruction at 203 Jarvis, image by Forum contributor AlbertC

Manga has been planning a hotel for the site since the mid-2000s, with a 2016 submission to the City having introduced the new look—a glassier lower hotel volume divided from the upper residential volume by a two-level shifted and cantilevered volume mid-way, with canted support columns providing drama while supporting the stories above. After some refinements, the building receiving Zoning approval via the OMB in 2018.

Hyatt Place / The 203 Residences on Jarvis, Toronto, Manga, IBI GroupLooking south to Hyatt Place / The 203 Residences on Jarvis, image via submission to City of Toronto

Once construction wraps up, the building will introduce 240 hotel rooms and 179 rental units—consisting of 39 studios, 83 one-bedroom, 34 two-bedroom, and 23 three-bedroom units—to the edge of the Moss Park neighbourhood. 

Additional information and images can be found in our Database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment below.

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