Another condominium tower is on the rise on Yonge north of Eglinton in Midtown Toronto. Construction of Whitehaus Condominiums by Lifetime Developments and Knightstone has been underway since late 2017, and the new 29-storey, Diamond Schmitt Architects and Turner Fleischer Architects-designed condominium tower is now rising above grade.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoLooking northwest to Whitehaus, image by Jack Landau

We last checked in on the project's Yonge and Helendale site back in October 2018, when forming had recently commenced for the building's three-level underground garage. By the end of January, forming of the underground levels had wrapped up with concrete and steel rising back up to ground level, and the first above-grade walls and columns were apparent by March.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoLooking southwest to Whitehaus, image by Jack Landau

Now well into May, Whitehaus stands two levels above Yonge Street, which is as tall as the podium will rise along the Yonge frontage. From here, the structure steps back to an 11-storey podium to the west, before stepping back again for the tower.  

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoLooking southeast to Whitehaus, image by Jack Landau

The project will top out at a height of 100 metres next year. Whitehaus will feature a retail podium that will re-animate the block after the 2016 demolition of a low-rise 1984-built retail plaza to make way for the site. Above, 358 new condominium units plus 20 rental replacement units will add further residential density to what is already becoming one of the city's most densely populated neighbourhoods.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoLooking north to Whitehaus, image by Jack Landau

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Cecconi Simone, Diamond Schmitt Architects, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, TUCKER HIRISE Construction, Turner Fleischer Architects, Vortex Fire Consulting Inc.