The early stages of work are progressing at the site of Lifetime Developments and Knightstone's Whitehaus Condominiums, a new 29-storey condominium tower coming to the corner of Yonge and Helendale, just north of Eglinton in the heart of Midtown Toronto. Our last update on the Diamond Schmitt Architects and Turner Fleischer Architects-designed project was back in April, when excavation of the site's three-level underground garage was nearing completion. A tower crane was installed in early summer, allowing work to begin on the foundation and P3 parking level. The latest photos of the site show that forming is well underway for this lowest parking level, with the first walls and supporting columns visible at the base of the pit.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoBelow grade forming for Whitehaus Condos, image by Edward Skira

The forming of the three underground levels will continue for a few months before reaching grade and then progressing onto the podium levels. Once complete, the garage will house 197 car parking spaces and 431 bicycle packing space for residents and visitors. 

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoBelow grade forming for Whitehaus Condos, image by Edward Skira

Whitehaus will rise 100 metres into the Yonge and Eglinton neighbourhood skyline, and bring 358 new condominium units plus 20 rental replacement units to the rapidly growing area. Replacing a low-rise 1984-built retail plaza that occupied the site up until late 2016, the building will feature a retail podium that will help reanimate this block of Yonge Street.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoWhitehaus Condos, image courtesy of Lifetime/Knightstone

We will keep you updated as site activity progresses. In the meantime, additional information and renderings of the project can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Cecconi Simone, Diamond Schmitt Architects, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, TUCKER HIRISE Construction, Turner Fleischer Architects, Vortex Fire Consulting Inc.