Toronto's Yonge and Eglinton neighbourhood is experiencing a wave of high-rise redevelopment, with the latest project to begin construction in the area set to rise 29 storeys above Yonge Street, two blocks north of Eglinton. The first activity at the site of Lifetime Developments and Knightstone's Whitehaus Condominiums came in 2016, when a 1984-built retail plaza was razed on the west side of Yonge Street. After a period of inactivity, crews from Michael Bros Excavation and Anchor Shoring arrived on the site earlier this Fall, marking the start of shoring for the Diamond Schmitt Architects-designed condominium tower.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoFacing southwest across the Whitehaus Condominiums site, image by Forum contributor drum118

The shoring phase—where an earth retention system is installed in advance of excavation—has been progressing smoothly since our late October update. Recent views of the site captured over the weekend reveal that shoring is practically complete along the site's entire Yonge Street and Helendale Avenue frontages, while the installation process continues for the site's south and west boundaries.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoFacing northwest across the Whitehaus Condominiums site, image by Forum contributor drum118

Once Anchor Shoring's task has been completed, the bulk of activity will shift to Michael Bros Excavation, who will be handling the excavation of Whitehaus' five-level underground component, set to include a basement retail level, a bicycle parking level, and three vehicle parking levels accommodating 147 spaces. Following the upcoming excavation, the forming of these underground levels will progress over the course of a few months before above-grade construction begins for Whitehaus' six-storey retail and residential podium.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoFacing west across the Whitehaus Condominiums site, image by Forum contributor drum118

Once construction of the project is completed—anticipated for late 2019—Whitehaus will introduce 366 new condominium units to the neighbourhood, ranging in size from 377 ft² to 1,073 ft². The tower's 100-metre profile will add a new peak to the growing Yonge and Eglinton skyline, while the addition of new retail will add more animation to this already lively stretch of Yonge Street.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoWhitehaus Condominiums, image courtesy of Lifetime/Knightstone

We will keep you updated as site activity progresses. In the meantime, additional information and renderings of the project can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Cecconi Simone, Diamond Schmitt Architects, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, TUCKER HIRISE Construction, Turner Fleischer Architects, Vortex Fire Consulting Inc.