Have you heard? The latest trend in the condominium world is to get hairy. The Station Condos on the Subway, located near Wilson Avenue and Allen Road, is about to get hairier by participating in the Movember campaign to help raise money for Prostate Cancer Canada. No, you will not be seeing the condo building itself decked out with a moustache (although that would be a funny sight to see), rather the "Mo Bros" and "Mo Sistas" at development companies Brandy Lane Homes, Shiplake Management and Wise Group will be sporting their best moustaches in support of the cause. In addition, throughout the entire month of November, the developer trio will be donating $500 for every suite they sell at The Station Condos on the Subway to the month-long campaign. 

The Station Condos development is situated by Wilson subway station and the Yorkdale mega-mall. Check out the official website, or stop by the presentation centre at 545 Wilson Avenue. For more information about the specs and details on The Station Condos, check out the UrbanToronto dataBase page here.  

Go and get your moustaches on, ladies and gentlemen!  

P.S. What style are you going to sport this month? Take a look here.  

Brandy Lane Homes, Toronto, staff sporting their 'staches in support of MovemberMo Bros and Sistas at Brandy Lane sporting their 'staches in support of Movember

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