The shape of the balconies is amazing, lets hope you can distinguish that detail when its done. Also, why that blue? JADE jade condos. Not even that green glass that I now wish was still being over used.
The articulation on the balconies will be very nice. A fault I see right now is that the railings are set back from the slab edge, not over the edge as shown in the renderings, so it won't be a sleek and sensuous pure form as originally designed. I hope the glass will be fritted, translucent or even reflective instead of transparent to best express its wavy form.
It will be a nice change from some of the crude and gimmicky balcony designs of the buildings nearby.
That shot - with the faux terra cotta roof as frame - makes me think of trips to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur - or even Phnom Penh. Low rise terra cotta in the foreground, boomtown tower construction of dubious aesthetic quality and ubiquitous modernist design in the background. So much of the world looks like this today - in Africa, Asia, Latin America, even Europe not to mention North America. I don't hate it - and Jade is certainly a good contribution to the area - but it really strikes me sometimes how ungrounded the design industry is here (and almost everywhere), how disconnected from local tradition and context.