Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

The podium in itself would pass as a proper building it's so large.
This is an interesting project, and I'm trying hard to like it. I do like the scale, the angling of the tower vs the podium is intriguing. It's possible when all is said and done we'll be pleasantly surprised. But, the cladding is somewhat worrying, but I'm following sage advise to wait until its complete before rendering judgement.

All that aside, would the city have posed any questions about on the cladding during the approval phase or just focused on massing? I ask because given its height it must have gotten exemptions or something. The original IBE went back and forth a few times when the city expressed concerns about design.
I don't mind the spandreled wall one bit. I think when we only got small pieces of it it looked rather silly, but looking at the wall forming to the right of the east-facing balconies, I have to say it will look fantastic with the curtain wall that will join up further along.
I don't mind the spandreled wall one bit. I think when we only got small pieces of it it looked rather silly, but looking at the wall forming to the right of the east-facing balconies, I have to say it will look fantastic with the curtain wall that will join up further along.
I don't know, look at the way it joins currently with the curtain wall of the podium. There's no modulation at all. It's just curtain wall and then, suddenly, at a certain vertical point they just start slapping a whole bunch of cheap mullions all over the place. No consideration spent at all. "Slapdash" is the word that comes to mind here. Also "cheap."
from today

