In discussing teacher pay; as apart from other education funding issues and/or working conditions; perhaps it would be best to compare numbers around the globe.
Note that these numbers are in USD and when translated, are in line (Canada number) w/current Ontario numbers.
This suggests our teachers are 7th highest paid in the world.
So, how does that compare in light of educational results?
Across a range of indicators, including PISA scores, graduation rates, and level of post-secondary education, Canada's system(s) overall produce as either 5th or 6th best in the world.
That would be above the pay level rank.
Its also worth adding none of the countries w/higher pay are above us in educational ranking.
That suggests we are valuing teachers (in terms of pay) just about perfectly.
I don't mind arguments about how the school year is structured (how many days and when); nor that performance should be better still; or that some benefits (short-term disability) are problematic in their structure.
All fair game.
So long as we add, we under fund certain things in our system, from tech to field trips, to lunch programs to support staff, which are often partially offset by teachers dipping into their pockets, or volunteering time beyond that for which they are paid.
We also need to discuss how some of these 'benefits' are offset by other means.
As someone who T.A'd for a year in a elementary school, while finishing University (I considered teaching) I can tell you not only is the work load high; but also that teacher pay, at the time, was 6x per year, roughly once every six weeks.
So there are 'hassles' that diminish the value of some perks.