News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Like the flu shot is. Pharmacies and doctor offices. Through schools. At LTC homes. Get public health involved. There are likely to be a number of people who won’t get it.

Honestly, the vaccines need to be forced for the safety of everyone. There are far too many anti-vaxxers and people with religious exemptions that would make any vaccine distribution a headache.

If the Federal Government was smart they would look at getting a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada along with the various human rights tribunals pertaining to forced inoculations to stop the spread of the virus. People are going to cry human rights if and when they are forced onto people.

When I was starting Kindergarten in 1991 parents had to provide proof of immunization from things like Rabies, Diphtheria, Polio, etc before being allowed to enroll in public school. People understood the need for this and got their children immunized accordingly. As the years progressed, people got stupid and decided to refuse vaccinations based on pseudoscience.
Honestly, the vaccines need to be forced for the safety of everyone. There are far too many anti-vaxxers and people with religious exemptions that would make any vaccine distribution a headache.

If the Federal Government was smart they would look at getting a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada along with the various human rights tribunals pertaining to forced inoculations to stop the spread of the virus. People are going to cry human rights if and when they are forced onto people.

When I was starting Kindergarten in 1991 parents had to provide proof of immunization from things like Rabies, Diphtheria, Polio, etc before being allowed to enroll in public school. People understood the need for this and got their children immunized accordingly. As the years progressed, people got stupid and decided to refuse vaccinations based on pseudoscience.

I tend to agree - allowable exemptions need to be as narrow as possible, based on actual medical reasons. Not because of your personal beliefs or whatnot. Don't doubt for a second there will be trouble-makers and disinformation (foreign and domestic) on that front. It need to be dealt with harshly and decisively.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm not going to be forced to take a rushed vaccine.

The problem is some people will still say any vaccine is rushed no matter how many journals it is published in or trials have been successfully completed just so they have an excuse not to get it.
I have no problem with making mandatory a vaccine that has been found effective. Indeed, there will always be anti-vaxxers to complain about this or that. They should not prevail. I am beyond fed up with those idiots.
The problem is some people will still say any vaccine is rushed no matter how many journals it is published in or trials have been successfully completed just so they have an excuse not to get it.

Yes. My wife has a friend who is an extreme anti vaxxer. It’s one thing to be against all vaccines that have been around for decades but I don’t blame someone for being a little apprehensive to take a vaccine where there is still much to learn about the virus.
A lot of people will refuse to believe anything about any vaccine if Donald Trump says so. Most will prefer to hear from a real doctor. Here in Canada, I'll listen to the chief medical doctors.


Chief medical officers leading Canada through this pandemic, top row from left: Dr. Barbara Yaffe in Ontario; Dr. Jennifer Russell in New Brunswick; Canada's chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam; Dr. Deena Hinshaw in Alberta; Dr. Patricia Daly in Vancouver; bottom, from left, Toronto's Dr. Eileen de Villa; Dr. Heather Morrison in Prince Edward Island; Dr. Bonnie Henry in B.C.; Dr. Janice Fitzgerald in Newfoundland and Labrador; and Dr. Vera Etches in Ottawa. (Evan Mitsui, Michael Wilson/CBC, Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press, Art Raham, Ben Nelms, Peter Cowan/CBC)

From link.
A relative of mine is a retired infectious disease expert. If a vaccine comes out tomorrow, they won’t be using it because it’s not enough time for proper testing and trials. A year is minimum. We are only at six months.

They are still doing Phase 3 trials for a number of vaccine candidates (and I think we have ordered multiple vaccines) - we won't know how safe it is until those results comes out (which isn't tomorrow - I believe they are looking at the end of the year or early next year).

@W. K. Lis
Has nothing to do with your buddy Trump. I'm not going to be first in line to take a vaccine with a few months of testing. Not knocking anyone who wants to. I'll let the guinea pigs go first. Not all doctors are right, competent or incorruptible. Many doctors including one in particular in that picture told people that masks were ineffective.
Just like lockdown won’t be straightforward, vaccination won’t be straightforward nor will the aftermath. That’s why I was speculating that we may still see waves of infection after mass vaccination has begun.

Hospitals will still be dealing with this likely for decades to come; however, it will recede from the public consciousness as public health measures lift. When and how those public health measures can and should be lifted is a matter for debate; a debate we don’t yet have enough information to have.

For reference we tolerate anywhere from 5-10 deaths per day in Canada from the flu without any mass restrictions.
@W. K. Lis
Has nothing to do with your buddy Trump. I'm not going to be first in line to take a vaccine with a few months of testing. Not knocking anyone who wants to. I'll let the guinea pigs go first. Not all doctors are right, competent or incorruptible. Many doctors including one in particular in that picture told people that masks were ineffective.

I don't believe ANYTHING that Donald Trump says (or attempts to say, since it seems to be mostly gibberish).
I am not getting a vaccine for many months till after it is approved.

I am not anti-vaccine but the political interference is too high and the medical experts have a very lacklustre track record with COVID 19.

Plus people are not really listening to the experts much anymore. They said stay home this weekend and the roads, malls and parks were fully packed outside the stage 2 zones with Toronto people.

However i think people may have used the thanksgiving weekend as the last 'fun' for locking down a bit. I went camping near Kawartha but after this weekend i am settling down.
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