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News   Sep 27, 2024
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  1. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is gross. Can we please not speculate about the Ford daughters' genitals? Please?
  2. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anti-Forders were giving him a very hard time about pretending to be gay, seeming narcissistic, and telling off a black woman who had brought her children to see Ford. He posted something sarcastic to his Twitter account to the effect of "yeah, you got me, I'm just an asshole who was trying to...
  3. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think the gender politics in that family are exactly progressive.
  4. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wouldn't read too much into Lee-Anne's favourites. Everything I've seen of her indicates that she isn't very bright. Also, her getting kicked out of GS and referring to the DUI incident as "just a couple of beers" suggests that she's still minimizing her alcohol abuse and its implications --...
  5. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If the Ford kids actually were at Wasaga Beach, who brought them there?
  6. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    From what I understand of addiction, if he really is addicted to alcohol and/or drugs high stakes won't be enough to stop him from using. The cravings will be extremely strong. Further, RoFo didn't want to stop drinking and drugging; he was having a great time with it until he was forced to go...
  7. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Isla Vista killer, like other mass shooters supposedly motivated by "desperate virginity", was entirely isolated. No friends, couldn't get along with anyone. That's not Rob Ford, and never has been.
  8. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She's actually pretty much a divorce lawyer's nightmare. Bear in mind, divorce cases are supposed to settle. They almost always do. The Fords may be willing to pay Renata to go quietly -- but if they aren't, they will be utterly intractable and horrible to negotiate with. So the case will...
  9. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think some of his hair's just in shadow. Where the light hits it, it's pretty pale. The cowlick, too, may not be natural or all that strong. As for the weight distribution, Rob Ford today has got to be 100 pounds heavier than the kid in the photo. Weight gain can start out most...
  10. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He always had money. And Renata may not have felt she had a lot of options after her first marriage failed (allegedly due to her substance abuse issues).
  11. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford Nation loves Rob and will see no reason to switch to Doug. People who hate Rob (or hate having him as mayor) hate Doug as much, or more. It would take some kind of massive, organized trolling campaign. But it's awfully fun to think about. :) ETA: I'm guessing (c). It doesn't...
  12. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nah. They'd just be characterized as ungrateful minorities. It wouldn't hurt Ford's support at all.
  13. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, technically I am because I'm trying to piss off the staff member who runs that ridiculous account. I'm cool with it. But thanks. :)
  14. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm the question-asker/Twitter troll who compiled the list, and I agree he will never voluntarily answer the questions. The purpose of asking isn't to get answers so much as to state, publicly, that answers are needed, and to poke at the "I'm a normal mayor/business as usual" image being...
  15. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's possible. If she contracted out of spousal support, her financial situation would look pretty awful, unless she got primary care of the kids...and even then it wouldn't be good. A lot (a LOT) of marriage contracts are overturned, but it takes legal fees and time to get that done.
  16. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yup. Robyn Doolittle's book mentions that Renata's first marriage may have broken up, in part, due to her drinking. Doolittle mentioned in interviews that she has a lot of information about Ford family members that she didn't think it was OK to disclose in the book. So to me it seems likely...
  17. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Descriptions I've read of people with "borderline intellectual functioning" sound a lot like Ford.
  18. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's beyond creepy. As is Rob Ford's continued seething anger at how "unfair" the death was, the tearful late night phone calls from the grave site, etc. It's as if the laws of nature were supposed to suspend themselves for Doug Sr. I actually think Rob Ford's intelligence is significantly...
  19. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He inherited that face -- everyone in the Ford family has it. I'm willing to give Mikey the benefit of the doubt for now and assume he's just a dumb kid and not a committed scumbag like the rest of the family.
  20. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This image begs for a caption contest. The bow tie is askew, the other tie (why is he wearing two ties?) is upside down, he's bright red and looks like he's about to Hulk out or vomit, and what's with the gloves?
