News   Sep 09, 2024
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News   Sep 09, 2024
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News   Sep 09, 2024
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  1. lead82

    TTC: Other Items (catch all)

    I would get rid of the collectors and abolish the cash fare and the seniors discount. Seniors should pay the same rate as everyone else. The only concession we should offer are for students and for low income. I would also support a fare increase to make the adult fare $3.50 if it meant we can...
  2. lead82

    VIA Rail

    I said the organization is decrepit which it is. I didn’t say anything about cancelling service. Canadians need much better service - not the lame excuse for a train service that we get. It’s a joke. It is time to disband Via. Split it up - have another agency run it or take it private. Or a...
  3. lead82

    VIA Rail

    I really hope that Via gets shut down. It’s a decrepit organization and can’t even run a basic few set of lines on time or deal with issues.
  4. lead82

    Toronto Leslie Slip Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO

    Cool. Thank you! I’ll try to check it out. Looks like a cool new place.
  5. lead82

    Toronto Leslie Slip Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO

    Where is this park exactly?
  6. lead82

    TTC: Major Operational Issues (Various)

    I’d suggest at least taking it from Bathurst to Jarvis, the lake to Bloor.
  7. lead82

    TTC: Streetcar Network

    You are optimistic. Transit won’t be fixed by 2025. The traffic on Lakeshore seems to be a permanent mess now.
  8. lead82

    TTC: Major Operational Issues (Various)

    Tolls are hard to do in Toronto since we have no alternatives . Focus should be to make transit and cycling work smoothly and then one can raise funds through parking tolls. Simply doubling the parking fees or putting a $20/day parking spot tax downtown core will do the trick.
  9. lead82

    TTC: Major Operational Issues (Various)

    Traffic downtown is actually less than it was before the pandemic but it feels like it’s more because all the major roads are under construction and the flow has been constrained to a trickle. Adelaide is down to basically 1 lane through the financial district. University is a gong show around...
  10. lead82

    Canadian airline industry (general discussion)

    We have no choice but to fly AC if you live out east or travel internationally. There are few choices especially if you want to fly direct. AC has its fault for delays but their frequency of service is hard to beat. This is where Porter and WestJet can’t compete. If I need to fly to a certain...
  11. lead82

    TTC: Major Operational Issues (Various)

    The entire TTC board and leadership should resign for this debacle frankly. We have 2.5 subway lines and we can’t even keep the tracks maintained. The TTC has always had slow zones but never this broad and for this long. Did all the maintenance people retire and the new replacements are...
  12. lead82

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    No Pro-Kremlin talking points just reality on the ground. What you say is true but the small damage being done in Kursk won’t have much impact on the strategic lands Russia is slowly gaining in Donetsk oblast. Yes Russia is sending teenagers but it cares not as they have more men to churn...
  13. lead82

    Streetcar Tracks on Adelaide

    It should be but never enforced. Trades people can park on other roads or the building should have delivery docks in their garages.
  14. lead82

    2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

    The incursion is a fools errand. It boosts morale and pokes the bear. Beyond embarrassing Putin it does nothing for the Ukrainian cause. The eastern front is losing ground and while Kursk can be a bargaining chip Ukraine knows they can’t hold it. Unless there is a second incursion to take back...
  15. lead82

    Streetcar Tracks on Adelaide

    What I don’t understand is why Toronto allows any parking on Richmond and Adelaide as these are through streets and should be setup for maximum throughput of vehicles and trams and trucks. There should be a guarantee of at least 2 lanes of traffic available even during construction. Getting on...
  16. lead82

    Canadian airline industry (general discussion)

    Flair is the only one left and has lasted the longest. I hope they can stay alive but I know they are also in dire straits and loaded with debt to their eyeballs. I am hoping Canada can keep one low cost carrier. We already have 3 mainline carriers, the two big boys and Porter who has done...
  17. lead82

    Finch West Line 6 LRT

    The 511 does not enjoy a dedicated ROW for most of its route. The issue with slow downtown streetcar service is the TTc operator rules issued by the TTC. The streetcars could go faster if drivers were allowed to. Also, the TTc hampers operations by building way too many stops on streetcar lines...
  18. lead82

    Waterfront Transit Reset Phase 1 Study

    I know. It’s why it took so long to get the subways down to just 1 driver. Our trains don’t need one but we have one as precaution. The union and legacy leadership is what has held back the system from modernizing or heck even keeping the track maintained- basic maintenance.
  19. lead82

    Toronto Crosstown LRT: Eglinton Station | ?m | 1s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    This is Toronto - cheap and austere is what we do best. Then we dig it up to upgrade some utility and patch with ‘temporary’ asphalt.
  20. lead82

    Waterfront Transit Reset Phase 1 Study

    True but with streetcars, you could actually automate the service with AI and self driving vehicles. The technology is there it just needs to be trained. However, one can build a line and provide minimal service until demand grows. The city government is just plain incompetent and doesn’t know...
