TRCA Head Office
TRCA Head Office, 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, ZAS, Bucholz McEvoy Architects
  4 renderings
TRCA Head Office at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, designed by ZAS and Bucholz McEvoy Architects
In June 2016, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Board approved the construction of an administrative office building at 5 Shoreham Drive in Toronto and directed staff to take the necessary action to complete the project.

Early in 2017 all six of TRCA’s participating municipalities, by way of their respective councils, approved the project and the allocation of $60 million in new and existing capital funding toward the project.

With support for the project and funding largely in place, TRCA is proceeding with the planning and construction of a new Head Office at 5 Shoreham Drive.

Address 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, Ontario
Category Commercial (Office), Institutional (Government)
Status Under Construction
Number of Buildings 1
Height 54 ft / 16.46 m
Storeys 4

Landscape Architect Schollen & Company
Building Materials Element5
General Contractor Eastern Construction

Buildings Discussion
Views: 13K  |  Replies: 48  |  Last Post: Feb 27, 2025

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