325 Bogert Avenue
325 Bogert Avenue, Greatwise Developments, Core Architects, Toronto
  1 rendering
325 Bogert Avenue, Greatwise Developments, Core Architects, Toronto
325 Bogert Avenue: a 6-tower mixed-use redevelopment of an existing rental housing development in North York, developed by Greatwise Developments and designed by Core Architects

Address 325 Bogert Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Category Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status Pre-Construction
Number of Buildings 6
Height 285 ft / 86.86 m, 262 ft / 79.85 m, 226 ft / 68.88 m, 226 ft / 68.88 m, 226 ft / 68.88 m, 226 ft / 68.88 m
Storeys 27, 25, 21, 21, 21, 21
Number of Units 1765

Architect Core Architects

Buildings Discussion
Views: 28K  |  Replies: 64  |  Last Post: May 02, 2023

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